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他的步态不雅观。He is awkward in his gait.

她走路一扭一扭的。She walks with a rolling gait.

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阿萨姆邦的一个历史-爵士步态。History of Assam – Sir Edward Gait.

日积月累,你的步法将越来越有效率。Over time, your gait will become more efficient.

走路时步伐为典型的滚动步伐。The gait has a typical roll when ambling or walking.

他这样摇摇摆摆地迈步,使这些宽敞的房间似乎显得太狭小了。The wide rooms seemed too narrow for his rolling gait.

从相貌或步态看出有严重精神疾病的人。People whose face or gait spells out severe mental illness.

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电筒的光束随着他的步履而上下跳动。The beam of his flashlight bobbing to the rhythm of his gait.

道格拉斯,今年53岁。他是一个面带微笑、步伐矫健而自信的人。Fields, 53, is a sinewy man with a broad smile and a jaunty gait.

于是一记重击使我脚步迟缓,在我奔跑并消隐于暮霭中之前。So by a dint of smite I gait ere I run and melt together with dusk.

在恢复期间可出现短暂脱发和步履不稳。Transient hair loss and gait disturbance may occur during recovery.

一个9岁大女孩渐进行步伐不稳。A 9-year-old girl developed a progressive unsteady gait for one month.

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我看你迈开步伐看你威武之翼,身披盔甲,背起。Saw I your gait and saw I your sinewy limbs, clothed in blue, bearing.

艺术家们借助这一成果纠正了他们作品中马的步态。The work enabled artists to correct the gait of their equine subjects.

不久﹐他在痰中发现了血﹐最后他连走路也不稳当。Soon, he found blood in his saliva. Later he developed a stumbling gait.

是步行机械人与其他移动型机械人最大不同的地方。"Gait" is the biggest distinctness between wheel-type and walker robots.

他继承了乃父的遗志,惟其步态似乎有些摇晃不定。He followed in his father's footsteps, but his gait was somewhat erratic.

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在三点步法的初期,伤腿不接触地面。Affected leg does not touch ground during early phase of three-point gait.

足部推动小康均匀,在去年底的步态周期轻旋。The foot pushes off evenly at the end of the gait cycle with mild pronation.

他们确保适当的冲动,并确定狗的步态特征。They ensure the proper impulsion and determine the dog's characteristic gait.