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我只是这么想。I only suppose so.

我来告诉你吧。Suppose I tell you.

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一种幻想,我猜测。A fantasy, I suppose.

是的,我想是这样。Yes, I suppose it was.

我想可能是这样。猫名。It might be- I suppose.

假设有灵魂存在。Suppose there are souls.

假设我被揪出来了呢?What am I suppose to do?

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假设有这种化验。Suppose there was a test.

或者——我们能不能这样假设呢?Or- can we not suppose it?

假设我是二元论者。So suppose I was a dualist.

我想那时你还没来这儿。You wasn't here, I suppose.

我猜想这是一个新来的人的声音。I suppose it is the new one.

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我想你见到过什么人吧?You zid somebody, I suppose?

但假设它是犯罪行为。But suppose it were criminal.

假设我们相信灵魂。Suppose we believed in souls.

我想,他们贪污了不少。I suppose they embezzle a lot.

如果我让子弹竖直往上飞。Suppose I shot it straight up.

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假设我们上三层楼。Suppose we go up three floors.

你认为我会做什么?What do you suppose I will do?

你想她是哪儿不舒服了呢?What do you suppose ailed her?