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这里只是个类比。It is analogy.

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他做了一个类比。He gave the analogy.

我举个类比。So here is an analogy.

我喜欢用类比说话。I like to think by analogy.

这个类比实在不怎么样。That analogy really stinks.

这个比方打得好。The analogy was well meant.

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这里有个好笑的例子Here's a really dumb analogy.

我想做一个类推。I want to give you an analogy.

让我们回头想想地图的类推。Think back to our map analogy.

其实这只是一种譬喻罢了。Actually it's merely an analogy.

这个比方有点驴唇不对马嘴。The analogy is rather farfetched.

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用类比也许能帮助你们理解。Analogy here that might be helpful.

他拿心脏病作类比。He used heart attack as an analogy.

这里用炊具做了一个类比。Here's an analogy from the kitchen.

就像汤碗的比喻一样。Just like the bowl of soup analogy.

我是这么类比我们现在的处境。That is my analogy of where we are.

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让我们考虑一个文件夹作为类比。Let's consider a file folder analogy.

我尝试想出一个好的类比。I’m trying to think of a good analogy.

我们来做个类比Well, let me just mention it by analogy.