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社会高度统一前期不可这么行事。Social unification prophase not so act.

第二个,统一于团结。Second, unification on the basis of unity.

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它是生命意识的新的形态,体现出感性与理性的统一。It acted as the unification of logos and geist.

统一的机会从未显得有如此遥远。The chances of unification have never looked so remote.

我们团结友爱坚强如钢。Our mutual love and unification Made us as strong as steel.

香港回归祖国促进祖国统一大业。The re-unification of HK promotes the unification of China.

朝鲜广大人民早已怨恨腐败无能的极权统治。Rather, it is collapse and unification on South Korea's terms.

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这是法律前进在边之间的和平统一。This is a law advancing peaceful unification between the sides.

刑罚正当根据学说之科学立论是统一论。The scientific theory should be the theory of unification theory.

国民党想要现状——不独不统。The KMT wants the status quo – no independence and no unification.

教学活动就是“学”与“教”两个活动的统一。The teaching activity is the unification of learning and teaching.

战略目标主要是统一天下和保有江东。Strategic Targets were Unification and Keeping the Jiang Dong Area.

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要达到这种统一,可能有两个途径或形式。To carry out this unification two ways or two forms are admissible.

秦统一后的第一个千年出现了这种模式。This pattern took up the first millennium after the Qin unification.

我认为重新统一对德国人来说绝对是件好事。I think the unification is certainly a wonderful thing for the Germans.

而复合法的运用,统一中见变化,变化中见和谐。With compound methods, change and unification is intermingled in harmony.

实际上没有人白纸黑字地表明,统一是一件坏事。Virtually no one suggested in print that unification had been a bad thing.

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伊斯兰教和阿拉伯语是西亚地区统一的主要特征。Islamism and the Arabic in Western Asia are the primary unification factors.

我们今天开大会,就是要提出我们的统一论。It is to put forward our own idea of unification that we are meeting here today.

两周前意大利很排场地庆祝了150周年统一纪念。TO MUCH fanfare, Italy celebrated 150 years since its unification two weeks ago.