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他是文艺复兴时期的产物。Disease is the child of intemperance.

健康和酗酒不能相容。Health does not consist with intemperance.

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姿情声色的确是一种暴行。Boundless intemperance in nature is a tyranny.

行为放荡会自然地招致疾病的惩罚。Intemperance is naturally punished with diseases.

在他看来,她的平静反衬出了他的放纵。He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance.

不能克制怒气是任性和缺乏教养的标志。Never to master one's anger is a mark of intemperance and lack of training.

在罗杰威廉斯晚年的时候,他对于自己年轻时的不节制和愚昧行为感到懊悔。At the end of his life Williams regretted the intemperance and folly of his youth.

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美国有一种说教,不只谴责奴隶制度和酗酒放纵。There was an American didacticism that went beyond condemning slavery or intemperance.

探讨高脂、酗酒引发重症胰腺炎的治疗。Study on treatment of severe pancreatitis triggered by high fat diet and alcoholic intemperance.

素食可以禁酒,且比人们所服任何药物都更为有效。Here then, is a remedy for intemperance far more effective than all the drug cures that men take.

我们的名字也适用于放纵儿童的错误,因为他们有一定的相似之处。We also apply the name intemperance to children's errors, because they have a certain resemblance.

在亚特拉大发生的一切和球迷死亡事件并没有太大关联,而是因为对球迷太过放纵。What happened was not tied to the death of the fan, it was more about the intemperance of the fans.

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神圣的天使,我苦恼灵魂和不幸生命的护守者,请勿遗弃我这罪人,勿因我的失节而远离我。Holy Angel, interceding for my wretched soul and my passionate life, forsake me not, a sinner, nor shrink from me for my intemperance.

高子鹏本人是电视从业人员,业余参加堕落知识分子的酗酒和漫游活动。Zipeng Gao is originally a TV program maker, who often joins in intemperance and vagrancy of depraved intellectuals in his spare time.

过了,就是错了,这就是过错。真诚成了虚伪,聪明成了狡猾,认真成了刻板。凡事适可而止为宜。Intemperance is fault. It makes sincerity turn to hypocrisy, cleverness turn to slyness and seriousness turn to dogma. Enough is enough.

市场供应全靠野生采集,由于野生红汁乳菇过度采摘,导致产地自然资源严重破坏,产量逐渐减少。It leads to serious natural resources destruction because of intemperance in pluck, and Lactarius hatsudake Tanaka output are gradually decreasing.