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工资最低的工作是一段通道。The minimum-wage job is a rite of passage.

开快车不再是一种驾驶习惯。Driving fast is no longer a rite of passage.

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这个节日源自一个中国的仪式。This festival descends from a Chinese rite.

我们将在早晨举行成年礼!We will hold the rite of passage in the morning!

我欣羡墨西哥的一个叫做亡灵节的仪式。I admire the Mexican rite called Day of the Dead.

几十年来,巨石阵仪式都是当地的一项主要活动。The Stonehenge rite was a local staple for many decades.

藏历的每月第29日是供护法日。The Tibetan 29th is the day for the protector kangso rite.

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到了罗马,拉邦扫玛主持一台东方礼仪弥撒。In Rome, Rabban Sauma celebrated a msaa in the eastern rite.

礼学思想是荀子政治思想的核心内容。The thought of rite is the core of Xunzi' political thought.

这是最有名的特点詹姆斯党成年礼。This is the most famous characteristic of the Jacobite Rite.

这些群体不将剃须作为婚礼仪式的组成部分。These groups do not shave men as part of the rite of marriage.

礼学思想也影响着荀子对理想社会的构想。The rite thought also affected Xunzi designed his ideal society.

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本文以岫岩地区“烧香”仪式为研究对象。This paper takes"Incense Burning"rite in XiuYan area as an object.

中国素以文明古国、礼仪之邦著称。China is world-famous for her ancient civilization and rite nation.

礼的起源即是人类社会“贵贱有等,长幼有差”的行为规范的起源。The origin of rite is the origin of behavioral norm in human society.

看护儿童是很多在初中的女孩经历的习俗。Babysitting is a rite of passage for many girls in junior high school.

它是这条通道上的一个典礼,但同时是你偶尔会经历的。It’s a rite of passage, but also one you want to do very infrequently.

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哭嫁歌中有许多反映女性生命史的内容,又在一定程度上影响着女性的生命史。The rite of crying in wedding is a vital course in womens life history.

荀子的礼治思想贯穿着荀子政治思想的各个层面。Xunzi' rite thought pierces through every level of his political thought.

礼学思想直接影响着荀子对政治体系的设计。The rite thought affected directly the political system designed by Xunzi.