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这样的交流,谁还会吝惜呢?Who could begrudge him those?

你为什么嫉妒她的成功?Why do you begrudge her success?

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他们不吝惜把钱花在孩子受教育上。They did not begrudge the money spent on their child's education.

如果嫉妒你逗留在鲜花与田野之间,那将是太不近人情的。It would be cruel to begrudge your sojourn among flowers and fields.

或许吧,但是这些宾客可没有一个不嫉妒她的,都希望自己哪怕能拥有这期间的片刻都好。Perhaps, but not one of those guests would begrudge her a moment of it.

当中国将奖牌收入囊中,没人会吝啬少少自得之意。Few would begrudge China some self-congratulation as it rakes in the medals.

现在,在这个国家,我们不嫉妒任何人富裕或成功――我们鼓励它。Now, in this country, we don't begrudge anyone wealth or success – we encourage it.

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现在,在这个国家,我们并不嫉妒富人或成功人士——我们鼓励这些。Now, in this country, we don’t begrudge anyone wealth or success – we encourage it.

从前,他没有舍不得把时间给她,如今,她却很吝啬自己的时间。He had not begrudged her his time, and she wanted not to begrudge him her company now.

格雷伯克,你今晚功劳这么大,我相信黑魔王不会舍不得给你这个女孩儿的。I am sure the Dark Lord will not begrudge you the girl, Greyback, after what you have done tonight.

有谁会因为有几千万中国人可以享用我们已经在享受的东西而感到嫉妒?Who would begrudge tens of millions of Chinese the opportunity to enjoy some of the same things that we do?

对于努力工作、勇于承担风险并创造价值的人们,大多数美国人并不嫉妒他们创造的巨额财富。Most Americans don't begrudge great riches to anybody who works hard, takes real risks, and creates things of value.

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但愿贫穷的人不妒忌富有的人,也不会对较自己不幸的人吝啬,因为他们明白穷的滋味。Let the needy not begrudge those who have, nor be tight-fisted with those less fortunate, for they know what it means to be needy.

特别是当他开始戒赌,开始了正常生活,开始了努力工作时候,不要吝惜给予他们言语上的鼓励。Especially when he started gambling, start a normal life, and began to work hard, do not begrudge giving them verbal encouragement.

尽管大多数美国人有房有车,衣食无忧,但我们能为了某个人的幸福,就能放弃这些我们一心想据为己有的奢侈品吗?Nevertheless, most Americans have food, cars, gadgets. How can we begrudge a single person these luxuries if we want them ourselves?

然而,虽然我们并不想希望北极熊失去它的冰,我们至少应该对近期的这些意识上的转变有一点担心。Yet, while not wanting to begrudge the polar bear his ice, we should be at least somewhat concerned at this recent shift in thinking.

陈的母亲,董兰媛女士并不羡慕女儿崭新的娱乐方式,甚至还会为她的小小奢侈品,比如周末足疗感到高兴。Chen's mother, Dong Lanyuan, does not begrudge her daughter her new pleasures and chuckles over her little luxuries like weekly pedicures.

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后来,这股新鲜劲儿一过,有些人就觉得把下地干活的时间花费在选举上实在不值得。Later, when the novelty wore off, some people were apt to begrudge the time they spent in voting as so much labor time lost from their fields.

由于不能自由选择每天早上上班的时间,就很容易因此发牢骚,尽管上班能为我们的生活创造快乐的体验。Since we cannot exercise freedom in choosing to show up every morning, it is easy to begrudge the time there. Even if it produces positive experiences in our lives.

在探究什么样的社会在给予目不识丁老汉一次改变机会时会一步三回头,影片制作人故意给马鲁格的人生故事点缀了讽刺、悬疑和有点惊悚的色彩。In examining what kind of society would begrudge an elderly man a chance at literacy, the filmmakers situate Maruge’s tale on the slippery ground between satire and suspense thriller.