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咀嚼运动时有较广泛的脑区激活。Brain activation was comprehensive during mastication.

脑激活区在不同侧咀嚼中的作用还有待进一步的探讨。The roles of activated brain regions in mastication still elucidated.

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我们常常在南柯一梦之后醒来,在咀嚼中深深失望。We frequently after the dream wakes, in mastication deep disappointed.

一个咀嚼周期结束时,牙周膜有残余应力存在。There is some level of residual stress left after one mastication period.

消化不良可能是由于嘴里的食物没有充分咀嚼的缘故。Poor digestion can be caused by defective mastication of the food in the mouth.

咀嚼时,有偶发的、暂时的、不可言状的疼痛或敏感。There is occasional, transient, nondescript pain, or sensibility during mastication.

一个咀嚼周期结束后,牙周膜有残余应力存在。Some level of residual stresses in periodontal ligament was left after one mastication period.

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目的研究偏侧咀嚼对大鼠颞下颌关节及咀嚼肌的影响。Objective To study the effect of unilateral chew on temporomandibular joint and mastication muscles.

目的探讨偏侧咀嚼对大鼠颞骨关节窝位置的影响。Objective\ To investigate the effect of unilateral mastication on glenoid fossae by means of animal experiment.

便秘的病人需要足够的睡眠时间,正常的饮食时间和正确的咀嚼食物。The patient troubled with constipation should have enough sleep, regular time for meal and proper mastication of food.

患者言语、咀嚼及吞咽均很困难,需含汤水才能咽下。Patient utterance, mastication and deglutition all very difficult, need to contain Shang Shuicai to be able to swallow.

正颌手术通过打破原有的颌骨系统,重建咬合平衡来达到改善面型和咀嚼功能的目的。Orthognathic surgery breaks the primary jaw system and rebuilds the balance of occlusion to improve the mastication and feature.

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全口义齿满意度构成因素中的固位稳定、咀嚼、舒适得分与牙槽嵴粘膜疼痛阈呈正相关。The partial correlation analysis demonstrated that the scores of stability-retention, mastication and comfort correlated with the PPT.

在咀嚼肌群或颞颚关节的功能异常且经由下行的路径而可能导致姿势上的困难。A malfunction in the muscles of mastication or the temporomandibular joint can lead to postural difficulties through a descending route.

我想,在这“月圆人更圆”的中秋之夜那些漂泊异乡,独自咀嚼着心中的苦闷和孤寂游子。I think, in the" one more round full moon" Mid-Autumn night those wandering away, alone mastication heart depressed and lonely wanderer.

结果用预成金属冠治疗的牙髓炎、根尖周炎的患牙的保存和咀嚼功能均较好。Results It is necessary to reserve the cracked tooth and the function of mastication is better when the preformed metal crown has been worn out.

软衬前后要求患者填写满意度调查表,对义齿的固位、稳定、咀嚼功能、舒适度、食物嵌塞情况作主观评价,计算各项指标的满意率。The patients were asked to fill in a form about their satisfaction in facet of retention, stable, mastication function, comfort, food impaction subjectively.

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因为咀嚼能锻炼面部肌肉,改善面部的血液循环,增强面部细胞的新陈代谢功能,使皱纹逐渐消退。Because mastication can exercise facial muscle, improve facial haemal circulation, enhance the metabolic function of facial cell, make furrow gradually subsidise.

下颚髁突骨软骨瘤主要会产生颜面不对称,咬合异变,咀嚼疼痛与听觉障碍。The main symptoms of osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle are facial asymmetry, disturbed occlusion, painful mastication and impaired hearing on the affected side.

因为咀嚼能锻炼面部肌肉,改善面部的血液循环,增强面部细胞的新陈代谢功能,使鱼尾纹逐渐消退。Because mastication can exercise facial muscle, improve facial haemal circulation, enhance the metabolic function of facial cell, make piscine end grain gradually subsidise.