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她的头发梳成辫子。A plait of braided hair.

玛丽的头发扎成了小辫。Mary wears her hair in plait.

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她的辫子在上周被剪掉了。Her plait has been clipped last week.

我经常把它们扎成马尾辫。I usually tie them a horsetail plait.

吉姆穿着一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。Jim wore a jersey and her hair in a plait.

伊莎贝尔穿著一件毛衣、头发扎成了一根辫子。Isabel wore a jersey and her hair in a plait.

这也是最传统的IP编址方法。This is also the most traditional IP plait address method.

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这是比较新的无类分类编址方法。This is newer without the type classification plait address method.

丝滑牛奶缎内衬,下摆是高温压的百褶,很平整。Smooth milk satin lining, high pressure is the bottom, very flat 100 plait.

这是最基本的编址方法,在1981年就通过了相应的标准。This is the most basic plait address method, passing the homologous standard in 1981.

她随即用颤抖的手指编起辫子来,眼睛却不敢对视镜子。And she begins to plait her hair with shaking fingers, not daring to look in the glass.

在等待蛋糕出烤箱前,我们学习了一种简单的中国节的编法。Before waiting for a cake oven, we studied a kind of plait method of simple Chinese stanza.

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另外一种网状皱纹像纱布一样,褶痕细小但明显。Additionally one kind of meshy furrow resembles gauze same, plait mark is petty but apparent.

发现杂志的常驻“坏天文学家”普莱特赞同这样的文章是少数耸人听闻的文章。Discover's resident "bad astronomer" Phil Plait agrees that the article is a tad sensational.

普莱特还讲到根据记录地球的磁极与他的轴线之间有一段距离。Plait goes on to note that, for the record, the Earth’s magnetic poles are distinct from its axis.

把头发胡子都留长,把左边一半的头发及胡子辫成一根辫子,左边一半也照猫画虎。Grow out both hair and beard, plait the left half of all of them to a braid and same as the right one.

一条辫子数百年,关着门造着车玩,上国天朝何伟大。A plait hundreds of years, close a door to build a car to play, ascend country a day a dynasty greatness.

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染色府绸每匹盖有梢印外包玻璃纸,两端各系有纸带。Each piece of Dyed Poplin bears face plait stamping and is wrapped in cellophane with a paper hand at each end.

被普雷特最近纳入批驳的视频中有不明显的想要制造恐慌的企图。One particular video, the latest that Plait has taken to task, is insipidly evil in its attempts to create fear and panic.

客户抱怨LSJA0621部品装配孔位出错及其成品褶皱严重。The customer complains the LSJA0621 department article assemble bore to come amiss and wrinkly severity of its finished product plait.