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狐狸、獾、黄鼠狼和白鼬在这里很常见。Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here.

我要钻进你的地洞里去,象赶一只老鼬鼠一般把你赶出来。I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat.

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我要钻进你的地洞里去,象赶一只老鼬鼠一般把你赶出来。I shall come down your burrow and chivvy you out like an old stoat.

到底什么事,本杰明表弟?是猫吗?还是约翰鼬獾?Whatever is the matter, Cousin Benjamin? Is it a cat? or John Stoat Ferret?

麦克伦南博士说,白鼬仔的数量多少依赖于周围有多少食物。Dr McLennan said the size of stoat litters depended on how much food was around.

到那时,人们才认为它们能抵御其主要天敌白鼬的袭击。By then, they are considered able to withstand attack by their main enemy, the stoat.

独辟蹊径,一只小野兔和一只鼪鼠巧妙的利用地下排水通道过街。Instead, a rabbit and a stoat are cleverly using an underground network of drains to make it to the other side.

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孩子们在追踪洞穴的过程中,会很快学会识别老鼠和白鼬的足迹。The children could easily learn the difference between rat footprints and stoat foot-prints in the tracking tunnels.

在Henry实施他的计划10年后,他在岛上发现了一只白鼬,由此他认识到他的毕生的心血付之东流了。Ten years after he began his project, Henry discovered a stoat on the island and realized his life's work had been in vain.

一家报纸曾发表本笃和前任教皇约翰十三世穿戴白鼬皮镶边的帽子和披风的照片,并将它们与一只活生生的白鼬的图片放在一起。A newspaper had photos Benedict and one of his predecessors, Pope John XIII , wearing an ermine-trimmed hat and cape. It put the shots next to a picture of a live stoat.