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崩漏是妇科常见病也是疑难症。Metrorrhagia is also gynaecological problems of common diseases.

目的观察固环胶囊治疗宫内节育器致出血副反应的临床疗效。To observe the clinical effect of Guhuan on patients with metrorrhagia caused by intrauterine device.

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同时还发现该药对因节育环副作用所致的子宫出血也有显著的疗效。Meanwhile, YFZX Pill is also effective in the treatment of metrorrhagia induced by intrauterine device.

根据其症状,无排卵性功血类属于中医“崩漏”范畴。According to the symptoms, Anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding belongs to metrorrhagia and metrostaxis in TCM.

用于眩晕耳鸣,呕吐,噫气,呃逆,喘息,吐血,衄血,崩漏下血等症。For dizziness and tinnitus, vomiting, well gas, hiccups, wheezing, vomiting blood, Nvxue, Metrorrhagia embolism in blood.

介绍了妇科顽固性崩漏、不孕伴症瘕的针药结合治验医案。This paper deals with the treatment of intractable metrorrhagia and infertility with acupuncture and medication in combination.

崩漏是妇科临床上的一种常见病,多发病,也是妇科中疑难急症之一。Metrorrhagia and metrostaxis is a common and frequently-occurring disease, but also one of the difficult emergencies in gynecology.

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而这一切,正是他治病求本的最好体现,对丰富和深化崩漏诊治内容、提高临床疗效有宝贵的运用价值。The whole represent Fu Shan aiming at solving the root cause. His learned idea is valuable in treating metrorrhagia and metrostaxis.

中医学无相同病名记载,但根据其临床症状,可类属于崩漏范畴。There is no record of anovulatory dysfunctional uterine bleeding in TCM, but it belongs to metrorrhagia and metrostaxis according to its symptoms.

介绍了妇科痛经、恶阻、暴崩昏厥、经闭的针药结合治验医案。This paper deals with the treatment of dysmenorrhea, morning sickness, acute metrorrhagia with syncope and amenorrhea with acupuncture and medication in combination.

我院自1994年1月起行子宫下段模切口单层缝合本90例,未发生1例晚期子宫大出血。Our institute oprated 90 cases of single-layer hysterorrhaphy of transverse incision of low uterine from January 1994 and never took place one case late metrorrhagia.

青春期功血是青少年女性内分泌功能失调的一种疾病,常缠绵难愈,崩漏交替发生。Dysfunctional uterine bleeding in adolescence is a desease that leads to endocrine dyscrasia of adolescent female. It is refractory and always occurs with metrorrhagia and metrostaxis in turn.