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支持多页面应用程序。Enable multi-page applications.

启用用户可切换的布局。Enable user-switchable layouts.

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是否默认启用bitmap字体?。Enable bitmapped fonts by default?

开启僵尸化时的屏幕振动。Enable screen shake on zombification.

相机连拍,体育,视频分享模式。Enable Burst, Sport, Video Share Mode.

启用登陆到数据存储服务器。Enable logons to the data store server.

记得启用这些平台统计数据。Remember to enable those platform stats.

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点击Swype对应的复选框,以启用它。Tap the checkbox for Swype to enable it.

这鸟的大翅膀使它能飞。The bird's large wings enable it to fly.

启用PostgreSQL的多查询支持Enable Multi Query support for PostgreSQL

很明显,钱能让人做出不轨行为。Clearly, money can be enable bad behavior.

激活或者禁止实时拼写检查Enable or disable real-time spell checking

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他们现在应该可以启用代理了。They should now be able to enable the agent.

这个课程真的让他们这样做了。And I think it really enable them to do that.

在某一特效旁边的复选框上打勾以启用它。Check the box next to an effect to enable it.

启用安装非自由软体?Enable the installation of non-free software?

能够帮助教与学。Things that enable with learning and teaching.

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我们为您提供了完成此操作的脚本。We provide scripts that enable you to do this.

对于本练习,您不需要启用信息跟踪。For this exercise, you will not enable tracing.

该怎样激活我的操作系统内核才能支持CPU热插拔?How to enable my kernel to support CPU hotplug?