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全球主义与全球一体化?Globalism versus globalization?

平民主义对全球主义意味着什么What Populism Means for Globalism

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全球主义是一个有着历史根源的现象。Globalism is a phenomenon with ancient roots.

第四个方面是社会和文化的全球主义。The fourth dimension is social and cultural globalism.

这同样适用于今天所谈论的全球一体化或全球主义。The same applies when talking about globalization or globalism today.

这是否表明全球主义在1914年和1945年之间下降或上升?Does this suggest that globalism declined or rose between 1914 and 1945?

这取决于全球主义所指的层面,或领域。It depends on the dimension, or sphere, of globalism one is referring to.

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与此同时,要着重要注意的是,全球主义并不意味着普遍现象。At the same time, it is important to note that globalism does not imply universality.

相比之下,全球一体化指的是全球主义加强或减弱的程度。In contrast, globalization refers to the increase or decline in the degree of globalism.

总之,我们不应该期望——或恐惧——全球主义会导致同质化。In conclusion, we should not expect — or fear — that globalism will lead to homogenization.

例如,经济全球主义增长于1850年和1914年间——并在1914年至1945年时下降。For example, economic globalism rose between 1850 and 1914 — and fell between 1914 and 1945.

没有言语可以形容全球主义往往是毫无意义的——或有误导性。Without an adjective, general statements about globalism are often meaningless — or misleading.

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在伴随着全球化进程的二十世纪,我们目睹了人类信仰大厦的崩塌。The collapse of belief we have been witnessing throughout the twentieth century comes with globalism.

因此,问题不在于全球主义是如何的古老,而在于全球主义在任何特定时间下有多么“稀疏”或“密集”。Thus, the issue is not how old globalism is, but rather how "thin" or "thick" it is at any given time.

把全球主义划分为上述各个独立的层面,必然是有些武断的。The division of globalism into separate dimensions, as presented above, is inevitably somewhat arbitrary.

没有言语可以形容全球主义往往是毫无意义的——或有误导性。Without a specifying adjective, general statements about globalism are often meaningless — or misleading.

基于历史的证据,我们应该期待全球主义将继续被不确定性所伴。Based on the historic evidence, we should expect that globalism will be accompanied by continuing uncertainty.

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全球一体化是由稀疏到密集的全球主义——其发展速度有多快则是全球一体化的速度。Getting from thin to thick globalism is globalization — and how fast we get there is the rate of globalization.

军事全球主义指的长途网络中部署的力量,威胁或承诺的力量。Military globalism refers to long-distance networks in which force, and the threat or promise of force, are deployed.

尽管如此,它却有益于分析,因为全球主义各个方面的变化不一定同时发生。Nonetheless, it is useful for analysis, because changes in the various dimensions of globalism do not necessarily go together.