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我们醒了,却知道我们原是相亲相爱。We wake up to find that we were dear to eath other.

他们第二次见面时,就爱上了对方。They fell in love with eath other the second time they met.

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记住一件事,如果你的朋友你正在帮助对方。Just remember one thing if you are friends you are helping eath other.

这是双方都觉得对方的屁是世界上最可爱的东西。Where both parties find eath other'gas just the cutest thing in the world.

生活是一张白纸,每个人都在上面写上一两句!Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon eath of us my write his word or two!

我们人已经够坏的地线,我们是否要使它更坏?We people on the Eath are already bad enough, do we have to make it more bad?

每当要用到一个新的行程路径时,自动装置必须改变硬机械。Eath time a new axis of tavel is used, the robot's hard stops must be changed.

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我们在世界上只有一个地球,动物是我们的好朋友,我们要保护它们。There is only one eath in the world. Animals are our friend we should protect them.

爱情不仅彼此相爱,而且有许多共同爱好时,爱才能持久。Love endures only when the lovers love many things together and not merely eath other.

比利和波比是两个小男孩,他们是两兄弟来的,但是们们经常打架。Billy and Bobby were small boys. They are brothers, and they often had fights with eath other.

迎接每一天,用双眼看美丽的事物,坦然面对变化,敞开心扉去爱。Greet eath day with your eyes open to beauty, your mind open to change, and your heart open to love.

最后,大约十点钟我的朋友们到了该回家的时候,我们彼此互相道别。At last , at about ten o'clock. it was time for my friends to go home, We side goodbye to eath other.

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这些儿童都患有不同程度的氟斑牙,每人拍取骨盆、前臂、小腿、手腕和跗跖骨。X-Ray films were taken including pelvis, forearm, lower leg, wrist, tarsals and metatarsals in eath case.

这些信件在她死后出版,激发了许许多多关于花草语言书籍的问世,每一本书都对每种花所隐藏的信息进行描述。These letters inspired many books on the language of flowers, eath describing the secret message hidden in each flower.

在经济全球话的今天,国家间互相指责是无济于事的。Today, along with the advancement of globalization, it is pointless and makes no sense for countries to blame eath other.

由于这一过程的复杂性和曲折性,认识主体在该认识过程中的每一阶段,都需要运用正确的方法。Because of the complexity and complicacy of the process, the subject of cognition must use correct method during eath phase of the process.

结果表明,树莓越冬枝条在-30~-35℃条件下遭受冻害,而致死临界温度是在-40℃以下。It was found that the overwintering shoots of raspberry were damaged from -30℃ to -35℃ , but their critical temperature for eath was about -40℃.

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使用5种方法对牛奶样品进行前处理,比较标准曲线及添加回收率,发现奶样离心脱脂后做5倍稀释即可进行初步测定。The milk samples were dealed with 5 methods, the standard curve and rate of recovery were compared with eath other in order to select the best method.

法律高等职业教育与法律高等普通教育在教学方法上有很多共同点,但也有其不同点。Higher vocational law education and higher general law education have a lot in common on teaching methods. but they are also different from eath other.

本文中概述了我国饮食业油烟治理技术现状、应用及发展方向,分析了几类技术的特点。并针对存在的问题提出了今后的技术发展方向。The condition, application and develpment of oil fume treatment technique are introduced and the features and development direction of eath kind of technique are analysed.