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西丽的成长过程也在她写信过程中得到了充分的表现。Celie's growth can also be shown from the epistolary form.

在这些作家的努力下,书信体小说被推向了高峰。By these authors' efforts, epistolary novels were pushed to the peak.

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书信体散文是诸多散文文体中,最能反映作者心声的一种。Among the many types of prose, the epistolary prose is the one that can best reflect an author's true feelings.

在西方文学史上,书信体小说从产生到发展,已经有三百多年的历史。In Western literature history, epistolary novel has three hundred years history from appearance to development.

从以上方面看,狄金森的书信处于一种介于事实和虚构之间的状态。Dickinson's letters show a border blur between factual sociocultural circumstances and fictional epistolary responses.

将一部书信体小说搬上银幕需要很大的勇气,尤其当涉及复杂的心理学,例如本片。It takes courage to adapt an epistolary novel for the screen, particularly one as psychologically complex as this one.

书信体小说形式也因理查生的创作而得以确立和趋于完善。The epistolary novel as a literary form also established itself and achieved perfection through Richardsons creations.

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塞缪尔·理查逊是18世纪英国著名小说家,也是欧洲书信体小说艺术的集大成者。Samuel Richardson is a famous English novelist in the 18th century and he is also a master of epistolary novel in Europe.

假如我是个男人,我是不愿跟一个丑八怪似的英国老太婆交往的,即使是书信来往也罢。If I were a man I should wish to hold no communication, not even an epistolary one, with an old fright of an Englishwoman.

从百衲被和书信体两方面入手,探讨美国著名黑人女作家艾丽斯。The famous female black American writer Alice Walkers masterpiece The Color Purple was discussed from the epistolary form and the quilt.

书信体文论是书信文与文学理论相结合所产生的一种文学批评形式。The epistolary literary theory refers to a kind of literary critical form which comes forth by the combination of epistolary writing and literary theory.

小说采用书信体形式,以第一人称的手法,主要借用女主人公茜莉的语言讲述整个故事。The novel adopts an epistolary form, uses the first person, and tells the whole story mainly by employing the idiolects of the heroines Celie and Nettie.

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接下来,本论文解述了书信体小说的含义,关于书信体小说起源的不同看法,以及一些非英文的书信体小说示例。The paper then explains what is meant by an epistolary novel, the different thoughts of its origins and also other examples of non-English epistolary novels.

比如,有人在网上出售书信,你想要得到一封情书,付款后,就可以得到一封他亲手写的书信。For instance, somebody sells on the net epistolary, you want to receive a love letter, after paying, can get what he writes with one's own hands is epistolary.

然而,待我更加仔细琢磨那些信件后,我得出结论,那就是她的信写的简短是不想叫人看出她的语法错误。Nevertheless, after inspecting them more carefully, I reached the conclusion that her epistolary concision was motivated by a desire to avoid grammatical errors.

本论文旨在以该小说的叙述模式——书信体为切入点,结合小说的主题,探讨书信体叙述模式在该小说中的运用特点与意义,解读该部经典之作的艺术特色。This thesis makes an attempt to research on the application of epistolary narration in this novel, and to reveal its artistic as well as ideological significance.

学术界对中国现代日记体、书信体小说的研究匮乏,这种研究现状与现代日记体、书信体小说曾经蔚然成风并且留下诸多经典文本的文学史史实不相符合。Considering the great multitude of classical texts of diary-style and epistolary stories in Chinese literary history, researches on them are not as fruitful as they should.

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他们的第一站就是克拉朗斯,他们那个时代最受喜爱的罗梭的书信小说“朱莉,或者是新的艾罗伊茨”就在这里写成和定稿。The first stop was the village of Clarens, where themost beloved novel of their era, Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s epistolary love story, “Julie, or the New Héloïse” was composed and set.

写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas, green vitriol and nutgall.

写完一篇书简体短文后,她就把书写用具丢在蜡画颜料里,任其暴露在硫酸亚铁、绿矾和五倍子中去腐蚀。After completion of laconic epistolary compositions she abandoned the implement of calligraphy in the encaustic pigment, exposed to the corrosive action of copperas , green vitriol and nutgall.