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我们每天要在野外呆很久,又脏又累。The hours are long. The work is dirty and backbreaking.

加拿大广播公司发现,临时工只能拿现金,做粗工没有福利。Workers get cash, no benefits for backbreaking work, Radio-Canada finds.

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这些还在上学阶段的青少年被迫在艰苦的环境下进行非常辛苦的劳动。They were forced to swap school for backbreaking labor in desperate conditions.

这分类可真是件苦差,满身臭汗,眼镜和手表都弄脏了。It was tiring and backbreaking work. I sweat a lot, dirtied my glasses and watch.

景色很美,在树叶落下的时候,正是秋季,搜集落叶这项繁重的任务也就是她所要承担的了。But autumn also entails the backbreaking work of raking all those beautiful leaves once they fall.

成功意味着要牺牲掉童年的美好时光,但是回报是——摆脱掉累人的生活。Success would mean a childhood sacrifice but the reward---an escape from this that backbreaking life.

其他公司也尝试过类似的福利政策,然而,从二十世纪20年代辛劳至极的工作到现在,我们已经走过了很长一段路。Others have tried similar programs. But, we've come a long way since the backbreaking work of the 1920s.

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剪羊毛是非常累的工作,每天搬动的肥羊总计重达几千公斤。Sheep shearing is often a backbreaking job, where thousands of kilograms of sheep meat are shifted every day.

小指留着很长的指甲就很难使用锄头或石具或干其他类型的重活儿。One can hardly wield a hoe or work stone or do any other type of backbreaking labor with a long pinky fingernail.

但是真正的原因是殖民者强加在人民身上,持续200年的不堪忍受的重负。But the real reason was the backbreaking burden that the colonial masters imposed on the people for over 200 years.

在无数不眠之夜和长时间高强度工作之后,囚犯们还被迫进行几小时的露天点名。After sleepless nights and long hours of backbreaking work, the prisoners were forced outside to attend roll-calls which lasted for hours.

她的新任“丈夫”通过手势与她交流,他要求她做艰苦的农活以及所有的家务活。Her new "husband" communicated with her via hand gestures that he wanted her to do the backbreaking farm work and all the household chores.

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做面包需要更多的小麦,更别提还要累死累活的捡那些散落在地上的恼人的种子。Much more wheat is needed to make bread, not to mention the backbreaking task of picking up loose seeds that tumble irritatingly to the ground.

再比如,我想到了大多数印度妇女每天都从事的辛勤劳动,而这似乎并不能为她们赢得家人的多少尊重。I think, for example, of the backbreaking work most Indian women do every day, without it appearing to earn them much respect from their own families.

中国,娄贺----这个留着一头短发,一贫如洗的农民,只受过四年的教育,所知甚少,只知道数十年如一日的辛勤劳作。LOUHE, China — Xu Lindong, a poor village farmer with close-cropped hair and a fourth-grade education, knew nothing but decades of backbreaking labor.

1891年,俄国沙皇尼古拉二世在开工仪式上放下了第一节轨道,但真正辛苦建造它的却是俄国的农民。Russian czar Nicholas the second laid the ceremonial first piece of track at the dedication in 1891. But the real backbreaking work was done by Russian peasants.

我们中一些非常向往梅森女士发明的人有福了,近期我们就有办法处理成堆的累人的邮件了,这要谢谢谷歌和Gmail背后的团队。Some of us eager for Ms. Mason’s creation might have a near-term solution to handling the backbreaking load of email, thanks to Google and the engineers behind the Gmail team.

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就好像我们与当地的杂货店交易,我们就不用非常辛苦地从事农业劳动,来自全世界的进口品让我们更快地走向经济专业化,使我们富裕。Just as our exchanges with the local grocer free us from backbreaking farm work, so do imports from around the world move us even more toward the very economic specialization that enriches us.

除了做劳累至极的矿工之外,他还要把木板上切开,雕刻成筷子和牙签,直到他的双手刺痛,还要安装汽车座椅套,监狱则把这些出口到韩国和曰本。As well as backbreaking mining toil, he carved chopsticks and toothpicks out of planks of wood until his hands were raw and assembled car seat covers that the prison exported to South Korea and Japan.

有时候我会抱怨某事做得不好,比如我觉得演讲稿的华丽辞藻冗长,但却缺乏论点和内容,或者抱怨我自己造成的过于辛苦的行程安排。Sometimes I complained about what wasn’t going well, like speeches I thought were long on rhetoric and short on argument and substance, or the backbreaking schedule that was more my fault than theirs.