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上帝保佑她。God bless her.

上帝保佑你。God bless you.

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愿上帝保佑库特。God bless Kurt.

保佑这个家!Bless this house!

你们应当颂赞耶和华。Bless ye the LORD.

上帝保佑你苏珊娜。Bless you Susanna.

祝福你,我的孩子!Bless you, my boy!

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上帝保祐美国。God Bless America.

祝福您,老师!Bless you, teachers!

愿上帝降福于你们所有人。May god bless you all.

神佛保佑您。Oh! God bless you and.

上帝保佑黑发尤物。God bless the brunette.

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我为您祝福,青年人。I bless you, young man.

好的,愿上帝保佑你们。All right? God bless you.

再见,里克,祝福你。Bye, Rick. God bless you.

尽管你不能保祐。Although you cannot bless.

祝福你,明迪公主。Bless you, Princess Mindy.

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上帝保佑你那钻石样的眼睛!God bless thy diment eyes!

颂主之圣名!Bless the name of the Lord!

上帝保佑我的莴笋吧。God bless my stem lettuces.