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真主是我们的造物主及支持者。God is our Creator and Sustainer.

上帝是宇宙间万能的创造者和支撑者。B God is the all powerful creator and sustainer of the Universe.

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如果你相信上帝是造物主和维系者,那就没有机会论的容身之处。There is no room for chance or luck if you believe God is the Creator and Sustainer.

没有它们你不能达到现在的位置,你所崇尚的精神是你人生的坚强支柱。You could not be here without them. Your beloved spirit is the sweet sustainer of your life.

当一个人视安拉为创造者,维持者和立法者时,他就不能追随其他神。Once a person accepts Allah as his Creator, Sustainer and Lawgiver, he cannot follow other gods.

农村环境作为城市生态系统的支持者一直是城市污染的消纳方。The environment of the country is the sustainer and acceptor of the environment of the city environment.

唯有真主是全能、造物者、主宰及宇宙万物的支持者。God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe.

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C801导弹的助推器和续航发动机均采用固体火箭发动机,大大提高了其战斗性能。The performance of C801 missile is greatly improved by using sol-id rocket motor both in its booster and sustainer.

三位一体的上帝创造、维护并统管宇宙万物,但祂在一切受造物之前,且与被造物有别。That the triune God is the Creator, the Sustainer and Ruler of the Creation, but is prior to, and distinct from the Creation.

上帝是万能的,宇宙的创造者和维持者的,谁是类似什么,没有什么比得上他。God is the Almighty, the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him.

介绍了主发动机加助推器和简易控制方法实现固体火箭等高飞行的设计方案。The tentative design of constant altitude flight solid rocket composed of the sustainer , the booster and its simple control method is presented.

铁路运输作为国民经济的支柱,经过五十多年的发展,取得了令人瞩目的进步,为我国的经济建设作出了巨大的贡献。Railway Transportation is the sustainer of national economy. After fifty years of development, it has made great progress and contributed a lot to our economy.

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我的主啊,众生的维系者!您身上发出的眩目光芒,遮盖了您的真脸孔。请您移开那遮蔽着您的光芒,好让您的纯粹奉献者能得见您。O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Kindly remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee.