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封育措施是一种主要的草场恢复和重建的措施。Exclusion has been applied as a main measure for revegetation.

封育措施是一种主要的草场恢复和重建的措施。Exclusion has been applied as a main measure for revegetation all over the world.

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采用模糊综合评价-灰色关联优势分析的方法,建立了煤矿废弃地植被恢复潜力评价模型。The fuzzy function of every factor was built based on the analysis of its effect on revegetation.

通过二次再生长的工艺实现脊型结构的形状,可解决脊型的自对准。Basal keel self-aligned can be solved through secondary revegetation technics realizing keel type structure.

上述水热因子的空间分布规律可为该地区的植被恢复和重建提供重要参考。The spatial distribution law of hydro-thermal factors can offer reference to the revegetation in this region.

促进土层以及草原植被的形成与恢复是风蚀坑控制的根本途径。Facilitate the resumption of soil layer formation and revegetation is the fundamental way to control blowouts.

植生带技术是集工程措施和生物措施为一体的植被恢复方法。Sodded strip is one kind of slope revegetation technique which combines the engineering measures and biologic measures.

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针对铜尾矿库的生态恢复,提出了应用菌根技术恢复尾矿植被的新思路。In this paper application of mycorrhizal technology for revegetation of copper mine tailings was proposed and evaluated.

土石边坡采用客土喷播工程绿化技术,并探讨了工程绿化技术在应用中存在的问题及展望。This paper discusses the problems with and the prospects of the application of the engineering revegetation technologies.

污染土壤植被重建的限制因子包括重金属毒性、P和K的有效性。The constraints of revegetation on contaminated soil were the toxicity of heavy metals and the low contents of available P and K.

对云南元磨高速公路的边坡生物防护的植物筛选技术和施工工艺进行了研究。The greening material screening experiment and the revegetation technique experiment on highway slop were conducted in the research.

从植物生理学的角度探讨我国边坡绿化中植物种选择依据。Tlie paper of the plant species selection in slope revegetation is discussed from the perspective of plant physiology in this paper.

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草坪绿化已成为城市绿化的基本色调,是城市的橱窗、文明的标志,随着上海城市建设的发展,上海草坪业发展具有广阔的前景。Lawn revegetation is a basic tone, show-windows and sign of civilization of cities. With the development of cities, lawn industry has its bright future.

随着世界各地城市市区的不断扩大,垃圾填埋场的环境影响和植被重建已成为全球所共同面临的一个相当紧迫和突出的环境问题。As many cities are constantly expanding around the world, the environmental effect and the revegetation of landfill have become very urgent and outstanding problems.

干热干旱河谷是世界上环境最恶劣的立地类型之一,其植被恢复是林业工作者多年来一直未攻克的难题。The dry-hot river valley is one of the site types with the worst ecological environment in the world. The revegetation on it is a difficult problem having not been solved.

通过对恢复生态学等相关理论的研究以及植被恢复和重建实践经验的总结,构建了植被恢复与重建的理论体系。It builds a theoretical system of revegetation and restoration through the study on correlative theories of revegetation ecology and sum-up of practical experience of revegetation.

结合辽宁省实际,研究提出了辽宁省城市水土环境综合治理技术,包括土地整治技术、固坡工程技术、植被重建技术和排水工程技术。The paper puts forward the comprehensive improvement measures of soil and water environment, land improvement, consolidated slope, revegetation and drainage engineering technology.

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并对影响垃圾填埋场上植物生长的各种因素,以及各国学者建议在植被重建过程中针对这些因素所应采取的措施和步骤作了详细描述。The major factors affecting the growth of plants on the landfill and the measures and steps which researchers recommended during the practical revegetation were discussed in detail.

文中在回顾干热干旱河谷植被恢复研究现状的基础上,重点讨论了干热干旱河谷地区植被恢复的途径、适宜树种和优化模式。Based on a review on present situation of dry-hot river valley revegetation , the means, tree species slelection and optimal pattern of dry-hot river valley valley revegetation are discussed.

关键的恢复措施包括改进牧场管理、以财政奖励消除过度放养以及适当休牧的再种植,期间禁止放牧。The key restoration measures include improved rangeland management, financial incentives to eliminate overstocking, and revegetation with appropriate rest periods, when grazing would be banned.