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而感情较于经济投资更难控制。But the sentiment is more rambunctious in the economical investment.

在贫困地区,暴力犯罪尤其猖獗。Violent crimes are especially rambunctious in under-developed areas.

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他们现在已经不像刚开始见面那会儿,总是冲着对方乱叫,或者在玩耍时动作粗暴。It's not the chirping, rambunctious play that they did when they first arrived.

在印度神灵中,这位外观奇特的守护神以性格粗暴而闻名。Among Indian deities, the unusual-looking guardian is known for its rambunctious nature.

最佳翻译一辆卡车被两只快乐的宠物狗发动并颠颠簸簸地穿过一排防风栅栏。A truck knocked into motion by a couple of rambunctious pets plowed through a cyclone fence.

长久以来用骑羊来作为假想的牛仔骑术比赛是乡村中顽皮的孩子的一种消遣方式。Playing make-believe rodeo with sheep has long been a pastime of rambunctious rural children.

我们新闻自由,司法独立,经济开放,还有吵闹的议会辩论。We have a free press, independent courts, an open economy, rambunctious parliamentary debates.

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在美国的时候两个人打闹翻了天,姥姥巴不得他们赶快分开。They are rambunctious when they were in USA in 2008 so that grandmother wished they were separated.

为了保护到小小身体以避免粗暴攀爬带来的伤害,游玩区铺满了柔软的橡胶垫。The play areas are lined with soft rubber mats, to protect little bodies from rambunctious climbing.

黄诗丽表示,在听讲座的过程中很难控制自己的眼泪。Huang Shi Li indicated that in listens to the course in the process to be very rambunctious own tear.

国互联网监管层会不会强制难以控制的微博作者们实名写作?Will China's Internet regulators force the country's rambunctious microbloggers to write under their real names?

让我高兴的是,我也终于知道了为什么女孩们总是更注意那些又愚蠢又莽撞的年轻小伙子们。To my delight, I also realized why adolescent boys who are altogether stupid and rambunctious get more attention from girls.

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貂儿是很调皮的动物,经常不小心在啃咬硬地板或墙的时候把牙齿啃崩然而伤害自己。Ferrets are rambunctious animals and often times may hurt themselves on a hard floor or wall, leaving them with a chipped tooth.

这已经是画布上的母亲之间的国家和最喧闹的后代了复杂的关系形式。It has been the canvas on which the complicated relationship between the mother country and its most rambunctious offspring took form.

一天,两个非常蛮横的小孩扭打著走了进来。进来后还在为买哪种糖果,谁拿找回的零钱而吵个不停。One day two very rambunctious kids walked in fighting, and continued to bicker over what candy to buy and who would get to carry the change.

在“只有成年人”的世界里,他们享受购物、进餐或者游泳,而不必被啼哭的婴儿或蹒跚学步的孩子打扰。Only in 'adult-only' spaces might they shop, dine, or swim without being drowned out by wailing infants or rammed into by rambunctious toddlers.

一直以来印度并没有成为世界上的严重动乱的国家之一,也许,这就是为什么西方对其一直有些纵容的原因。But, since India hasn't been one of aggravating, rambunctious nations of the world, maybe, that's why western counterparts have been somewhat indulgent.

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浴室为他们提供了一个没有外界干扰的氛围,没有电视机的声音,没有音响的声音,没有孩子们的喧闹声,也没有电话铃的声音。The bathroom provides an atmosphere free of external distractions such as blaring televisions, loud stereos, rambunctious children and ringing telephones.

那些精力充沛、调皮捣蛋的小孩子被关进教室后,巴望着橄榄球场、篮球场和棒球场,比起教室那可是自由天地。Young kids, energetic, rambunctious , cooped up in class, yearn for the relative freedom of the football field, the basketball court, the baseball diamond.

这就好比我们去朋友家做客,主人热情接待,但主人小孩却顽皮哭闹,还把饮料泼在访客身上,作为访客,又怎好恼怒或归咎于主人呢?This is not unlike being warmly received at a friend's house whose child gets a little rambunctious and spills a drink on you. As a guest, how can you get angry and blame your host?