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这是1916年齐格弗里德·沙逊穿军装的样子。This is Siegfried Sassoon in uniform in 1916.

西格弗里德畏缩了,退避到墙根。Siegfried cringed and shrank against the wall.

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于我,过去,现在以及未来。In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet by Siegfried Sassoon.

今时今日每一位在拉斯维加斯表演的魔术家都要感谢西格弗里德和罗伊。Every magician who works in Las Vegas today can thank Siegfried and Roy.

即使是齐格弗里德和罗伊飞黄腾达时,兰斯也是维加斯最好的魔术师。Even when Siegfried and Roy were around, Lance was the best magician in Vegas.

英美军队在1944年9月逼近齐格菲防线。The British and American armies approached the Siegfried Line in September 1944.

书名的灵感是来自一战的士兵诗人席格弗烈。The title comes from the poem “Dreamers” by the WWI soldier and poet Siegfried Sassoon

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美军通过了齐格菲防线外层防御,为实现这一刻真是损失惨重。They were through the initial defenses of the Siegfried Line, and that was enough for the moment.

他研究和治疗臭氧治疗在德国威廉Turska博士博士和齐格弗里德的臭氧研究里灵,既先锋。He studied ozone therapy in Germany with Dr. William Turska and Dr. Siegfried Rilling, both pioneers of ozone research and treatment.

在那部歌剧里,齐格弗里德穿越一个火山带以寻找瓦尔基里战士布伦希尔德,后者应该“采取行动挽救世界”。In it, Siegfried crosses through a ring of fire to find the valkyrie warrior Brünnhilde, who shall "work the deed that redeems the world."

温妮弗蕾德在其丈夫死后的第二个早晨入主拜罗伊特导演的办公室。Winifred moved into the director's office on the morning after Siegfried 's death, allowing the Führer to share the festival honours with the Master.

缪晓春即将来到柏林艺术科学院和西格弗里德·齐林斯基进行对谈,同时,柏林的中国当代艺术专家亚历山大·奥克斯也将同时在场参与讨论。Miao's discussion with Siegfried Zielinski at the Academy of the Arts will be shared by the Berlin expert for contemporary Chinese art, Mr. Alexander Ochs.

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这方面的一个很好的例子是齐格弗里德和罗伊使用他们的梅林奖赢得他们的广告牌遍布拉斯维加斯,以及对酒店及赌场的幻影字幕广告牌。A good example of this is Siegfried & Roy using their Merlin Award win on their billboards all over Las Vegas, as well as the marquee billboard on The Mirage Hotel & Casino.

来自美国教堂山镇北卡罗来纳大学的齐格弗里德•梅夫斯是一名研究君特•格拉斯的学者,他认为,努力面对过去是格拉斯很多作品的基础。Trying to come to terms with the past is the basis for much of his writing, says Siegfried Mews, a Gunter Grass scholar at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the US.

他们有些人想在五月份就发出一个工作邀请,但是他们不知道这些学生能否拿到一张签证,所以这是一个比较大的挑战。They may be trying to make a job offer in May, but they don't know whether or not that student will be granted a visa or not, so that is the big picture of the challenge," Siegfried said.