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我的腰围又怎么办呢?And what about my waistline?

请将腰围收紧一点。Please catch in the waistline slightly.

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所以就自己把腰线放低很多。So I let down the waistline much lower.

在腰围线和侧缝上作十字标记。Crossmark at the side seam and waistline.

你的腰围透露着关于你健康的什么信息?What does your waistline say about your health?

你不认为我的腰围变得越来越小了吗?Don"t you think my waistline is getting smaller?

高腰圆脚裙配上可调节腰位松紧的布带。Empire waistline with adjustable straps and round sweep.

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几周的锻炼使她的腰围小了一圈。Weeks of exercise succeeded in trimming down her waistline.

在前中和腰围线的交叉处打十字标记。Crossmark the intersection of the waistline and center front.

对腰身不利的没准儿有利钱包。What may be bad for the waistline may be good for the wallet.

弹性腰围装置,弹性腰围长度腰帖长度触摸屏上设定。Elastic waistline unit, the length can be designed by touch-screen.

于是,它使肌肉更健壮,拉紧胳膊和系紧束腰带。And it tones muscles, tightening up arms and cinching in that waistline.

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你们真觉得他会天天给魔术师约翰逊量腰围?Do you really think he was pinching Magic Johnson's waistline every day?

我的嘴和胃都很高兴,但我的肚子却越来越像布袋!My mouth and tummy are happy, but my waistline is becoming a Budai belly!

腰围变粗是年龄增长的一个代价。An expanding waistline is sometimes considered the price of getting older.

前腰贴、左右腰贴、弹性腰围在机施加。Frontal tape, side sticker and elastic waistline are added on the machine.

你知道这些化学物质会对你的腰围和健康有什么影响吗?Do you really know what these chemicals will do to your waistline or health?

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腰围以宽大厚实麻或棉线织成的腰带,或白色、或青色、或黑色、或蓝色。Waistline by wide thick hemp or wove belt, or white, or cyan, or black or blue.

腰围以宽大厚实麻或棉线织成的腰带,或白色、或青色、或玄色、或蓝色。Waistline by wide thellock hemp or wove belt, or whellote, or cyan, or black or blue.

也许您喜欢喝全脂奶,但去选择脱脂的会对您的腰围会有利。You might like full-fat dairy, but it's better for your waistline if you opt for skim.