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俱乐部每年都推出会员联谊活动,邀请会员免费参加。The club will hold sodality every year and invite members for free.

欢迎加入“中土联谊会”,不限国家、区域与宗教。Welcome to join "China &Turkey Sodality ", it does not restrict any countries, area and religions.

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如果说雪的到来是一种意外收获的话,那元旦联谊会就是我们预算中的一件乐事。If the snow arrival is a windfall word, that New Year's day is one of our budget sodality for pleasure.

同时出任辽宁省海外联谊会副会长等多项社会职务。In the meantime she takes up other social positions like the vice president of Liaoning Overseas Friends Sodality.

原创艺术中心,2010年春节宋庄艺术家除夕联谊会之烟火表演。Fireworks performance of Songzhuang Artists Sodality of 2010 Spring Festival Eve, at Songzhuang Original Art Center.

这次活动主要是通过一些交流和精彩的游戏互动,使三十多名干部互相认识。The main purpose of this sodality was to make the leaders know each other better by some communion and wonderful games.

现任上海市益昌律师事务所主任、上海市女律师联谊会理事。At the moment she serves as a director in Shanghai Yichang Law office, also a syndic in Shanghai Women Lawyers sodality.

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每年举办创业楷模高峰会、创新论坛、新春联谊会、出国考察等商务考察。Hold annual venture model summit, innovation forum, New Year sodality , and attend business visit including overseas visit.

这次活动主要是通过一些交流和精彩的游戏互动,使三十多名干部互相认识。The main purpose of this sodality was to make the leaders know each other better by some communication and wonderful games.

承接会展、闻发布会、装展示会、会、讨会、谊会、会等各类会议的组织策划、地布置、待、车、游等服务。Supply the services and plan for conferences, including news express, fashions show, annual meeting, forum, and sodality and so on.

校庆期间,学校将举行校友座谈会、校友报告会、联谊活动及文艺汇演等。During the period of our school's establishment anniversary, we will hold conversazione, speech, sodality and perfomances for our schoolfellows.

在“三。八妇女节”即将来临之际,市妇联、市残疾妇女联谊会共同举办了场健康知识讲座,约40名残疾妇女聆听了讲座。On the eve of International Women's Day, there was a lecture on health joined hold by Shenzhen Women Federation and Women Sodality of Shenzhen DPF. About 40 disabled women present.

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金帝商务会所具有浓郁的欧陆风情,是境外人士的绝佳去处。会所竭诚为会员提供健身、娱乐、休闲、联谊的优雅场所及五星级的优质服务、营造名流荟萃之地。Golden Emperor Business Club in Continental style is the best venue for foreign friends to enjoy fitness, entertainment, leisure and sodality and all other 5-star excellent services.

文章介绍了闽西客家人的几种睦族恳亲组织形式,包括客家会馆、同乡会、联谊会等。The essay discusses several forms of the west Fujian's Hakkas' action of making their clan more cog national, which include the guildhall, the countrymen organization and the sodality.