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他可以面无表情地用平静的声音讲出笑死人的故事来。He told hilarious stories in a deadpan voice.

这里的服务没有笑脸,价格却不低廉。Here, the service is deadpan and prices sharp.

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主席面部无表情地问是谁赞同谁反对。The chairman asked for ayes and noes, deadpan.

黛妮面容娇好、身材玲珑,有一种冷幽默。Denean is pretty and slender, with a wry, deadpan humor.

然后,他开始担任一家报纸的专栏作家,作为冷面讲师。Then he began to work as a newspaper columnist and as a deadpan lecturer.

与惊人的冷面幽默“交合”起来,这使艺术家的画作具有了传统风格。This, coupled with a ferociously deadpan humor, makes the artist’s images iconic.

一些人认为冷面笑话更难理解,这让它更具魅力。Some people find it harder to catch a deadpan humor, which makes it more charming.

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另一部喜剧艺术的杰作则来自一位多才多艺的演员,此君善于作面无表情的表演,他就是-汤米·李·琼斯。Another outstanding work of comic art, from one of the Renaissance men of deadpan acting.

弗雷德兰德的偶尔爆发似乎没能影响吴玥不露神色的状态。Mr. Friedlander's occasional eruptions barely seem to affect Ms. Wu's deadpan expression.

那种带着一张「扑克脸孔」的人,他的情绪隐藏于毫无表情的面容下,会被别人以怀疑的眼光看待。People with a "poker face," whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression, are looked upon with suspicion.

他面无表情,只有他右手的轻轻紧握泄露了他可能正在感觉到的紧张。His expression was deadpan. Only a slight clenching of his right hand betrayed the tension he was probably feeling.

不堪的中世纪,麦克拉伦用他极其冷静的笔触说道,“再一次让阳萎成为笑柄”。The bawdy Middle Ages, as Mr McLaren explains in his admirably deadpan prose, "once again made impotence a laughing matter".

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其中最主要的就是纤瘦沉默的李康生,他如同巴斯特·基顿一般面无表情,蔡明亮迄今执导的10部电影长片中都有他的出现。Chief among them is Lee Kang-sheng, a slender, nearly silent man with a Keatonesque deadpan who has appeared in all 10 of Mr.

卡车启动,柳细腰面无表情地站在家具之中,高维岳却坚持本人坐着轮椅跟在车后。Trucks start, liu slender waist deadpan stood in furniture of high dimensional yue insist oneself, sitting in the car with the wheelchair.

之后的夜晚,在你说了一些傲慢并风趣的事情之后,她就会笑吟吟的对着你,而你却很平常。Later in the night she might be beaming at you after you've said something arrogant and playful, and you deadpan with a serious face "You love me."

蔡妈妈的语气中充满了傲慢,而且我花了很长时间试图从那种不动声色中去寻找一丝真诚。Chua's tone is arrogant but filled just the same with bullseye observations, and I spent a long time trying to untangle the sincere from the deadpan.

他有一种不动声色的幽默,他自己那种感觉好像在说,‘是啊,我完全知道我可能疯了,但是我也可能会做出什么大事。’He had a deadpan humor and this sense of himself that seemed to say, 'Yes, I am fully aware that I might be mad, but I also might be on to something.

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我认为他是真的有漫画人物的效果,当他总是面无表情的’,让那些过分骄傲的人回归现实。I think that his deadpan way of bringing things down to earth when they get a little too highfalutin' involves the skill of a genuine stand-up comic.

我认为他是真的有漫画人物的效果,当他总是面无表情的',让那些过分骄傲的人回归现实。I think that his deadpan way of bringing things down to earth when they get a little too highfalutin' involves the skill of a genuine stand-up comic.

他有一种不动声色的幽默,他自己那种感觉好像在说,‘是啊,我完全知道我可能疯了,但是我也可能会做出什么大事。’He had a deadpan humor and this sense of himself that seemed to say, ‘Yes, I am fully aware that I might be mad, but I also might be on to something.’