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不管他去哪里,总有一车士兵跟着。Wherever he goes, a carload of soldiers goes with him.

一匹马当时正在拉着满满的一车压碎了的坚果去市场。A horse was pulling a carload of crushed nuts to a market.

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只是买了一个合约,合约规定未来的商品买卖,比如是一车小麦,或者是一些债。Purchase of merchandise, be it a carload of wheat or a sheaf of Treasury.

有没有在你跑步的时候,一车美女在经过你身旁时对你发出喜爱的尖叫?Ever had a carload of girls drive by when you're jogging and scream at you approvingly?

有没有女人对你笑然后主动破冰接近你?Ever had a carload of girls drive by when you're jogging and scream at you approvingly ?

出事的司机缺乏经验而且年轻,他却认为自己无所不能,他在晚间驾驶,车上坐满了孩子。It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible, driving at night with a carload of kids.

有没有在你跑步的时候,一车美女在经过你身旁时对你发出喜爱的尖叫?Ever had a carload of girls drive by when you’re jogging and scream at you approvingly? It makes you feel great doesn’t it?

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快吃午饭的时候,家里来了一车朋友。妈妈留他们共进午餐,并想方设法公平地把食物分给每个人。When a carload of friends arrived at lunchtime, Mother invited them to share our meal and managed to give everyone a fair portion.

这是一个毫无希望的小镇,那儿出产的芥未多得车载斗量,大桶,小桶,罐子和精致的大口瓶里都盛着芥末。A hopeless, jerkwater town where mustard is turned out in carload lots, in vats and tuns and barrels and pots and cute looking little jars.

那是2002年的一个晚上,他发现来了一车形迹可疑的人在他的工具房周围鬼鬼祟祟。Alone on his remote Northland farm, Mr McIntyre noticed a carload of intruders acting suspiciously around his utility shed late one night in 2002.

12月的一天,泰在安巴尔省巡逻时,伊拉克武装分子引爆了车队旁的汽车炸弹。One day in December, Ty was on patrol in Anbar province when an Iraqi insurgent detonated a carload of explosives beside the convoy's troop truck.

假如我答应运送一卡车木材,买方答应以某个价格付款,而我并未运送木材去,那么我“违反”了我的合同。If I promise to deliver a carload of lumber and the buyer promises to pay me a certain price, and I do not deliver the lumber, I have "breached" my contract.

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专业受理常州市至全国各地的整车、零担往返运输,以合理的运价及专业化、个性化、效率化的优质服务赢得客户。Professional accepts the changzhou across to the vehicle, less-than-one carload transport, and at a reasonable rate and professional and personalized service and efficiency of the customers.

洛斯驾车漫无目的地向远离市区的郊外开去,行驶在宽阔潮湿的道路上,偶尔会有胡同里跑出来的夜游猫,一车狂呼乱喊者和一辆微型电动送奶车。Ross drove aimlessly through the outer suburbs, sharing the wide, wet road with the occasional noctambulant alley cat, a carload of cheering carousers, and electric mini-van delivering milk.

专业受理常州市至全国各地的整车、零担往返运输,以合理的运价及专业化、个性化、效率化的优质服务赢得客户。Professional accepts the changzhou across to the vehicle, less-than-one carload transport, and at a reasonable price, and professional and personalized service and efficiency of the customers.

车载数量指的是车载费率,与需要装满整车的实际数量无关,而是指合乎较低的费率限定所规定之最低重量。The carload quantity referred to on a carload rate has nothing to do with the actual quantity required to fill the rail car, but is the minimum weight specified to qualify for a lower class rate.