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这是八月在济南。It is August in Jinan.

济南租草皮?。Does Jinan rent a sward?

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黄河卡车是在济南制造的。Huanghe truck is made in Jinan.

济南诺斯焊接辅具有限公司。Jinan North Welding Tool Co. , Ltd.

齐长城的范围从济南延伸至青岛。The wall stretches from Jinan to Qingdao.

是的,这是297次去济南的快车。Yes, it 's the express No. 297 for Jinan.

已经到达的那列火车是从济南来的。The train which has arrived is from Jinan.

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结束参观后,他将坐汽车返回济南。After that, he will return to Jinan by bus.

建诚豪木业设备有限公司。Jinan Yellow Cat Wood Industrial Co. , Ltd.

济南每天都会发生这么多事情,无从知晓确实是一种遗憾。This is a pity as Jinan has a lot going on.

济南的降雨比杭州少。It rains less in Jinan than in Hangzhou.

济南金派斯金属颜料有限公司。Jinan Metal Paste Metallic Pigment Co. , Ltd.

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济南哪儿有卖鸭血粉丝汤的?Jinan where fans have to sell duck blood soup?

济南新法“夫妻可互查对方财产”。Spouses in Jinan can check each other's property.

今天来暨南大学和大家见面,我感到很荣幸。It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University.

于是,该公司向当地法院起诉济南市财政局。Then the company sued the Finance Bureau of Jinan.

在济南市趵突泉公园北部,有李清照纪念堂。There is a Qingzhao Li Memorial Hall in Jinan City.

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暨南大学有着悠久而曲折的历史。Jinan University has had a long and chequered history.

被称为“泉城”的济南因它的72泉而为我们所熟知。Jinan is known to us as "Quan City"for its 72 springs.

济南铁路局的两位高官已被撤职。Two top officials of the Jinan Railway Bureau were sacked.