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但后来,我成了无神论者。Then I became an atheist.

那个时候我是一个无神论者。I was an atheist at the time.

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白令是一位铁杆无神论者。Bering was a confirmed atheist.

但是无神论者似乎很明确。But Atheist seems very explicit.

他公开宣布自己是无神论者。He openly declared himself as an atheist.

对于教会人士,他是无神论者。To the churchmen, he was a godless atheist.

只有无神论者可以一个一致的世俗。Only the Atheist can be a consistent Secularist.

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我大半辈子都是个无神论进化论者。I was an atheist and evolutionist most of my life.

玛丽教宗教,但她自己却是个无神论者。Mary teaches religion. However, she is an atheist.

散兵坑里不存在无神论者。There is no such thing as an atheist in a foxhole.

熊伯龙是十七世纪我国杰出的无神论者。Xiong Bolong was a distinguished atheist of China in 17th century.

马克思接受的是天主教洗礼,但终其一生都是名无神论者。Marx was baptised as a Christianbut he remained an atheist all his life.

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不,伯莎,如果你是个无神论者,我不能再和你交往。No, Bertha, if you're an atheist I can have nothing more to do with you.

我曾经是一位无神论者,但过去一年让我比任何时候都信教。I was an atheist but this last year has made me more spiritual than ever.

我是一个全白人天主教会学校里面黑皮肤无神论小孩。I was the black atheist kid in the all-white Catholic school run by nuns.

所以当时人们把霍布斯看作是一位无神论者就不足为奇了。So, its not surprising that many at the time took Hobbes to be an atheist.

当哈吉斯刚开始求助于山达基时,他认为自己是一个无神论者。When Haggis first turned to Scientology, he considered himself an atheist.

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这使我放弃了‘元初动因’的证论,变成了一个无神论者。This led me to abandon the "First Cause" argument, and to become an atheist.

如果一个人想成为无神论者,那也是上帝给他的权利。If a person wants to be atheistic , it's his God-given right to be an atheist.

只有少数声称自己是无神论者的人,一般可以肯定他们是无神论者。Only a few claim to be an atheist who generally can be sure they are atheists.