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一个很了不起的化学家。A brilliant chemist.

药剂师给了我油膏。The chemist gives me ointment.

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化学家跳水入沟。The chemist dived into the ditch.

这名化学家清空了玻璃瓶。The chemist voided the glass bottle.

但是德克萨斯一名化学家有另外一个想法。But a chemist in Texas has another idea.

把这药方拿到配药处去配药。Take this prescription to the chemist 's.

该化验师把水分分解为原质。The chemist dissolved water into its elements.

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那么,你想做一个炼金术士,还是一个化学家呢?Would you rather be an alchemist or a chemist?

英国化学家戴维,1778年出生于彭赞斯。British chemist David, was born in 1778 in Penzance.

药剂师会给您眼药水和眼药膏。The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment.

化学家能把一种药物的各种成分分解出来。A chemist can separate a medicine into its components.

化学家能把一种药物的各种成分成分成解出来。A chemist can seperate a medicine into its components.

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德国化学家罗伯特·本生发明本生灯。Bunsen burner invented by German chemist Robert Bunsen.

一个男人去问药剂师怎么治打嗝。A man goes to a chemist and asks for a cure for hiccups.

作为主任化学家,他没有享受高层社会的生活。The master chemist also did not enjoy high-society life.

一天,化学家将一些物质溶解在热水里。One day, the chemist dissolved some material in hot water.

药剂师把20立方厘米醋酸吸入吸量管中。The chemist sucked up 20 cc. of acetic acid into a pipette.

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我想成为一名,额,我希望成为一名化学研究员。I am going to be a , well , I hope to be a research chemist.

这之前一年,他和化学家娜塔莉亚·斯威特洛娃结婚。A year earlier, he had married Natalia Reshetovskaya, a chemist.

一位玻利维亚化学家正在展示提取出来的少量碳酸锂。A Bolivian chemist displays a small amount of lithium carbonate.�