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降低开关装置设定,以从玻璃框移去开关。Depress switch mounting tabs to remove switch from bezel.

从马达输出轴上拆卸玻璃框和橡皮垫圈。Remove the bezel and rubber gasket from the motor output shaft.

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例如,如果你想看你的心率,只要轻怕触摸板。For instance, if you want to see your heart rate, just tap the bezel.

在跑步过程中,你也可以通过轻拍触摸板查看不同的模式。As you are running, you can touch the bezel to see the different modes.

珠宝款腕表的表圈上饰有82颗圆钻。The jewellery version scintillates with 82 round diamonds on its bezel.

工程师们对旋转表圈的运转顺畅性能进行综合检测。Engineers systematically verify the smooth operation of the rotating bezel.

黑,压纹小牛皮带辅之以一个不锈钢挡板。The black, embossed calfskin band is complemented by a stainless steel bezel.

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我真的喜欢它的斜面,而且对其形式美学很是喜爱。I really like the bezel and I'm super happy with the form factor aesthetically.

他们属于触摸屏面板,并作了一些橡胶状物质,太。They are part of the touchpad bezel and are made of some rubber-like material, too.

不管是移动哪一个应用,从顶部滑到底部的时候还会出现一个菜单命令。Swiping from the top or bottom bezel brings up menu commands for whatever app you’re in.

离子镀不锈钢表壳与表圈比赛的乐队给它一个时髦的外观。An ion-plated stainless steel case and bezel match the band to give it a fashionable look.

轻型玻璃纤维增强聚酯案件。Lightweight yet tough fiberglass-reinforced polyester case. Unidirectional rotating bezel.

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拔下利用的危险切换,用你的手,然后设置挡板到一边。Unplug the harness to the hazard switch using your hands and then set the bezel to the side.

表镜边框,是不锈钢抛光的,很坚固,但很容易划伤。The bezel of the watch, being polished stainless steel, is very strong, but scratches easily.

当你使用平板电脑的时候,你能将一个应用从最左边滑动到最右边的另一个应用,或者将两个应用同时滑动。When using a tablet, you can swipe from the left bezel to switch to another app or run two apps side-by-side.

闪耀的水晶重读的刃角和与黑水晶散布的商标的银通的拨号盘。Sparkling crystal-accented bezel and silvertone dial with black crystal-studded logo. Three-hand, quartz movement.

表蒙是所有的劳力士手表设计的一个组成部分,这就是为什么它凸起在表圈上面。In all Rolex watches the glass is an integral part of the design of the watch, which is why it sits above the bezel.

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再次拍打触摸板,你可以看到当前的心率,当然你这个时候必须带好心率监测器。Tap the bezel one more time and you can see your current heart rate, if you are using the Garmin heart rate monitor.

铝合金枢轴,铝标识处理器,镀铝外玻璃框显示了该产品的奢华特点。Chrome pivot, chrome logo treatments, and the chrome painted outer bezel reveal the luxury accents within the product.

灵感源自大自然中叶子的形状,包边镶嵌上富绿色和灰色调的切割水晶,闪闪发光。Inspired by nature's foliage, cut crystals in shades of green and tones of grey shimmer in an open-back bezel setting.