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狗啃骨头无同伴。A dog gnawing a bone.

那狗在啃骨头。The dog was gnawing a bone.

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狗在啃骨头。The dog was gnawing a bone.

老鼠正在啮箱子。The rats was gnawing at the box.

恐惧与焦虑折磨着她。Fear and anxiety were gnawing her.

还有的啃和咬牙切齿的。There's gnawing and gnashing of teeth.

恐惧和焦虑正咬啮着她的心。Fear and anxiety were gnawing at her heart.

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狼不停地咬着骨头。The wolf has been gnawing away on the bone.

以前是啃噬痛而且只有在肚脐上方。The pain was gnawing and only above my navel.

他焦灼地咬着他的手指甲。He was gnawing his finger-nails with impatience.

他看来活像啃骨头的老狗。He looked just like an old dog gnawing on a bone.

这条狗整天一直在啃一块骨头。The dog has been gnawing away on the bone all day.

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如今恐慌正象耗子一样在啃啮拜伦的心灵。Now the rat of Panic was gnawing at Byron's spirit.

啮咬的良心让记忆时时在痛楚中醒着。A gnawing conscience keeps the memory terribly alert.

而在这表面之下,一种毁灭性的疾病正在四处啃食着。Beneath this surface a destructive disease is gnawing away.

雷哥则依旧被锁链拴住,正啃噬着牛骨的烧焦残余。Rhaegal, still chained, was gnawing on the carcass of a bull.

救援人员该有多么的痛苦和绝望呢?And what despair and frustration must be gnawing at the rescuers?

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因为丹尼斯正在卧室到处搜那件已经折磨他一整天的东西。He was searching for something that had been gnawing at him all day.

但是,如果你不停地啃那块骨头,我可能会改变看法的。But I might change my opinion if you don’t stop gnawing at that bone.

或者惋惜失去莱斯的痛楚心情在啮食着她那娇嫩的躯体。Or else regret over losing Les was gnawing at her delicate constitution.