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大体上纽约有三重属性。Thereare roughly three New Yorks.

大体说来,有三个纽约。There are roughly three New Yorks.

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被指控密谋试图炸毁纽约犹太教堂的疑犯出席听证会。Suspects accused of trying to carry out a bomb plot against New Yorks appeared in court.

我们敬奉这些女人,为了在她们各自的纽约城里走得更远。These ladies we venerated for being further along and higher up in their respective New Yorks.

当他的同龄人仍在街上当巡警时,他已经是纽约历史上最年轻的地区警察局局长了。When his peers still when the policeman in the street, he was in New Yorks youngest district police chief.

今晚我发誓,我将跨越两党的界线为全纽约州的所有家庭创造繁荣与进步。I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New Yorks families.

1807年,美国人富尔顿?罗伯特“克莱蒙特”号蒸汽轮船完成了从纽约到奥尔巴尼航行!In 1807, Robert Fulton s "North River Steam Boat" began heading up New Yorks Hudson River on its successful round-trip to Albany.

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现在的问题是,我们如何走出旧金山、奥斯汀和纽约,并在世界其他地方得到更多主流消费者的认可?Now, it's how do we move beyond the San Francisco, Austin, and New Yorks of the world and develop a more mainstream understanding?

1985年9月28日,在格洛丽亚经过了纽约之后,一棵大树倒塌在第94大街不远处的第五大道路中。A tree lies in the middle of New Yorks Fifth Avenue near 94th Street after Hurricane Gloria passed through the city, Sept. 28, 1985.

电影制作者缓慢地在她自己身体的皮肤上画书法的图像,与纽约唐人街的局部细节相交织。Records of the HistorianCalligraphic images of paint on skin, which the filmmaker traces on her own body, are intercut with details of New Yorks Chinatown.

最近,在纽约的美国自然历史博物馆,参观者还可在博物馆协助将生活在两亿年前的剑龙骨头化石一块一块地重新组合起来。At New Yorks American Museum of Natural History recently, you could have helped make bone-by-bone reproduction of the museum's stegosaurus , a beast that lived 200 million years ago.