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预作准备是明智的。It is advisable to be forearmed.

这当然是一厢情愿的海市蜃楼。This course of action is advisable.

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坦诚是最明智的策略.Frankness is the most advisable maneuvre.

半个小时到一个小时便可以。About a half-hour to an hour is advisable.

不谋而动是不可取的。It is not advisable to act without planning.

芽长不超过1厘米播种为宜。Shoot length less than 1 cm sowing advisable.

乘坐横贯大西洋的班船比较合适。It is advisable to take the trans-Atlantic liner.

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现在立即享用,或者储藏7-9年后享用均宜。Now serve or storage 7-9 years enjoy are advisable.

消除这些个规则的讲法是行得通的。It is advisable that these regulations be abolished.

为了某种缘故不愿说明行为者是谁。It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.

开车时系上安全带是明智的。It is advisable to wear safety belt when your' re driving.

对新思想采取不存先入之见的态度是明智的。It is advisable to take an open-minded approach to new ideas.

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对低效的流程进行自动化并不明智。It would not be advisable to automate an inefficient process.

但是根据这些统计数据去搬迁并非明智之举。But deciding to relocate based on statistics is not advisable.

所以,选择安安制造值得信赖。Therefore, it is advisable to choose Anan as the manufacturer.

科学家们建议,结婚也不可以操之过急。Scientists have determined it's not advisable to hurry marriage.

然而,作为一个皇帝,他在政治上并不明智,也不受人欢迎。However he was not advisable and welcome in politics as an Emperor.

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避免你自己重复造轮子,建议你去使用通用的插件。Instead of rolling your own, it is advisable to use common plug-ins.

我们可以说,他们做了一些相应的有作为宜。We can say that they did something consequential there as advisable.

勉强在尽可能谨慎的时候是好的。It is advisable to refrain from unreasonableness as much as possible.