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狗爱啃骨头。Dogs like to gnaw on a bone.

老鼠能啃穿木头。A rat can gnaw a hole through wood.

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借此来缓和一下饥饿的煎熬。Deaden the gnaw of hunger that way.

河狸用它那尖锐的牙齿咬树皮。The beaver uses its large sharp teeth gnaw it.

木虱会侵害活体植物并啃咬它们的茎。Woodlice attack living plants and gnaw at the stems.

被链条栓住的恶魔愤怒地拉紧锁链,啃咬着他的骨头。Enchained demons strained in anger to gnaw on his bones.

不要在别人的视野里晃来晃去,也不要啃手指甲。Shift not yourself in the sight of others, nor gnaw your nails.

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然而老鼠开始用牠锐利的牙齿将绳子咬断。But the mouse began to gnaw the ropes and with his strong teeth.

宠物也会因啃咬彩灯的电线而触电。Pets may also gnaw on electrical cords for Christmas-tree lights.

幸福就是你吃鱼,我吃肉,看着别人啃骨头。Happiness is that you eat fish, I eat meat, we look at others gnaw bone.

这就意味着迅速咬一下真正的黄金,会留下牙印。This means a quick gnaw to real gold would actually leave an indentation.

姐姐张雪喜欢边咬指头边笑,笑的时候露着两颗小门牙。Zhang Xue loved to gnaw on her fingers and smile, showing off her baby teeth.

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牛和狗为了啃一口肮脏的的人尸而打架。Crows and dogs fight each other for the right to gnaw on a putrid human corpse.

生命是无法预料的,谁知道什么时候那只老鼠会将谁的树枝给咬断啊。Life is unpredictable and who knows when the mice will gnaw through anyone's branch.

最终那个疑问会折磨你,飞升超越那种快感。And I think eventually that question would gnaw at you and sour and override the pleasure.

他们得出结论认为人类啃噬骨骼后会留下独特的痕迹。They determined that when humans chew and gnaw bones, a distinctive pattern is left behind.

雨水它们啮噬着水道的两边和底部,逐渐使更多的土壤松动。It uses them to gnaw at the sides and bottom of its channel, gradually loosening more earth.

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喵宝现在偶尔会玩狗骨头玩具,甜心也让喵宝像小狗一样在她身上啃咬。Precious now sometimes plays with dog bones, and Honey lets Precious gnaw on her like a puppy would.

她看到他咬着下嘴唇,眼睛翻转着,知道他一这样,总是要做出什么可怕的事情。She saw him gnaw his under lip, and roll his eyes, and she knew he was always fatal when he looked so.

有虫子来咬桃树的根,李树便让虫子来咬自己的根。When worms come to gnaw at the root of the peach tree, the plum tree invites them to gnaw at its own root.