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细针穿刺检查。Fine-needle aspiration.

这是一个安于贫穷的打算。That is a poverty of aspiration.

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愿善德力量增长!May the power of aspiration grow!

他心怀当诗人的愿望。He nurses an aspiration to be a poet.

她有着成为一个大作家的志向。She has aspiration to be a great writer.

“性感”已经成为了社会的强音。"Sexiness" has become a social aspiration.

它是匿名的梦想和愿望。It is the nurturer of dreams and aspiration.

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好主意,这也正合我意。A good idea. It coincides with my aspiration.

现在流行”全球性”,这是语言的灵感所在。It's "Globish" now, the language of aspiration.

您的满意,是我们正盛人的最大心愿。Your satisfaction is our Zheng's greatest aspiration.

对皮疹行细针穿刺未见肿瘤细胞。However, fine needle aspiration gave negative results.

你拥有一个目标,那是一个远大抱负。You have a goal and that is your long-term aspiration.

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一个人没有愿望就等于他是一个迷路的盲人。He who has no aspiration will be like a stray blindman.

人无志向,像迷途的盲人一样。He who has no aspiration will be like a stray blindman.

我并没有特别的抱负,要去弘扬佛教。I don’t have any special aspiration to spread Buddhism.

什么是羊水与胎粪吸入综合征?What is the amniotic fluid and meconium aspiration syndrome?

我们的起点就是我们所说的愿菩提心。And our starting point is what we call aspiration bodhicitta.

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抽吸细胞学检查为纤维囊性变。Aspiration cytologic examination reealed a fibrocystic change.

抽吸细胞学检查为纤维囊性变。Aspiration cytologic examination revealed a fibrocystic change.

但有时,理想过于远大只会将你引入歧途。But sometimes, having too great an aspiration can lead you astray.