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然而这其中,只有82家是私营企业。But of these, just 82 are privately owned.

在欧洲有超过二百个主题公园,很多规模很小,由私人拥有。Many are small privately owned businesses.

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在1514年他私下显示了它给他的朋友。In 1514 he showed it privately to his friends.

我好几个星期没有和温尼特私下谈过话了。I had not talked to Winnette privately for weeks.

你可以不让他人看到或者将它与他人分享。You can do this privately or share it with others.

即使当他们想捐时他们也更喜欢私下里行动。Even when they give, they prefer to do so privately.

那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。The man privately admits that his motive is profits.

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她私下曾对曾对此种深仇大恨表示震惊。Privately she admitted she was shocked by the hatred.

尼尔森和Telephia都是私有公司。Telephia and Nielsen are both privately held companies.

要私下告诫朋友,但要公开夸奖朋友。Admonish your friend privately , but praise them openly.

看着病床上一天比一天衰弱的王莉,陈勇军常常背着王莉暗自流泪。Seeing her pining away day by day, he often cried privately.

第二年,她私下与一位医生学习医学。The next year, she studied medicine privately with a doctor.

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伟嘉集团是建立于1950的德国全资企业。WIK is a German privately owned Company and founded in 1950.

工作人员私下透露,琦特勒活泼爱动、非常的可爱。Workers revealed privately that Kitler was lovely and lively.

另有一条突堤码头,属私人所有,由驳船装运矿石。Otherwise a jetty, is a privately owned, ore shipment by barge.

若要享有良好声誉,就应公开施舍、暗里偷窃。To enjoy a good reputation, give publicly, and steal privately.

所有这些都是私人投资和管理的,极少花费到纳税人的钱。All of these are privately run and at little cost to tax-payers.

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我将让谈判人员同伊拉克官员在私下解决这些问题。I will just let the negotiators work that out with them privately.

伟嘉公司是建立于1950的德国全资企业。WIK is a German privately owned Company and founded in the 1950's.

首架私人飞船将六男两女送上月球。First privately owned spacecraft lands six men and two women on moon.