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它根本不需要走冷漠贵族女性的路线。They don’t go for the aloof aristocratic line at all.

格言本质上是天才般的写作。Aphorisms are essentially an aristocratic genre of writing.

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他有着贵族气派,总穿一身黑衣服。He was aristocratic looking, and he always dressed in black.

罗伯特李体现了贵族政治理想中最高尚的部分。Lee embodied the noblest elements of this aristocratic ideal.

自然景观勾勒贵族生活摹本。The natural landscape outlined Duplication aristocratic life.

而最后,他没有前辈们对贵族政治的强烈赞同。And last, he did not share their strong aristocratic sympathies.

他出身名门贵族意味着他来自一个贵族家庭。He is a real blue blood means he is from an aristocratic family.

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她也款待着克利福的不常来的贵族亲戚们。She was hostess also to Clifford's occasional aristocratic relations.

对于其他贵州娱乐活动像赌博,决斗和战争。For other aristocratic amusements-like gambling, dueling, and warfare.

LI正是基于这种贵族式的浪漫生活需求而诞生。VI-LI is based on the romantic lives of this aristocratic birth needs.

盈亮的贵族黄、浪漫的粉红,典雅的宝石蓝。Ying Liang's aristocratic yellow, pink and romantic, elegant Sapphire.

也就是说,那是一种贵族政体,一种贵族共和。That is to say it is a kind of aristocracy or an aristocratic republic.

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说肥鹅肝是贵族食品也不为夸张。Liver of goose saying fertilizer is aristocratic food also is not hyperbole.

男性女性化女性宠物化宠物贵族化贵族没文化。Feminization of male pet pets aristocratic aristocratic women did not culture.

这个国家从来没有出现真正的贵族和贵族传统。This country has never had a genuine aristocracy or an aristocratic tradition.

涂漆,贵族和华丽的色彩带有酸性和戏耍的色调。Varnished, aristocratic and sumptuous colours with more acid and trifle tones.

从理想类型来说,卢梭并没有主张小国寡民式民主制,相反更倾向于贵族制。In fact, it was not democratic but aristocratic system that was claimed by him.

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从另一个角度看,这是一个,贵族式的思考和体验方式Another way of looking at it is that it is an aristocratic way of thinking and feeling.

艾琳·格雷于1878年出生在爱尔兰恩尼斯科西的一个富裕的贵族家庭。Eileen Gray was born into a wealthy aristocratic family in Enniscorthy, Ireland in 1878.

有五颜六色的宫廷小丑和身著长礼服、戴著眼具的贵族仕女。There are colorful court jesters and aristocratic ladies wearing long gowns and eye masks.