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不要忽略枝节问题。Don't neglect minor issues.

别把功课荒了。Don't neglect your lessons.

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别在你的网站上唱反调。Do not neglect this on your site.

不要忽视管的中段。Don't neglect the middles of tubes.

最后,别忽略你的头部。Finally, don’t neglect your noggin.

这个老人孑然一身无人照管。The old man lives alone in neglect.

因疏忽被她痛骂了一顿。She abused him soundly for his neglect.

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他可能因过失或疏忽而被控告。He is chargeable with a fault or neglect.

他因玩忽职守而被解雇了。He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

这是一个我们绝不能忽略的因素。This is a factor which we must not neglect.

我愿意是荒林,在河流的两岸。I willing neglect woods, two sides in river.

我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。We can never neglect the value of knowledge.

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忽视现实中人的实际需求。Neglect of and indifference to actual people.

这座大楼因失修而圮毁。The building had been dilapidated by neglect.

对现代科技的价值无论怎能重视也不过分。We can't neglect the value of morden science.

老板以玩忽职守为由把他开除了。The boss fired him out for neglect of his duty.

你不能忽视自己而找到幸福。You cannot neglect yourself and find happiness.

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再怎麽熟读也不过份,当然,也没有人可以忽略圣经。No one can ever outgrow or neglect the Scriptures.

许多失效的链接是一个站长疏忽大意的表现。Many orphaned links are asign of webmaster neglect.

这名官员因玩忽职守而遭开除。The official was dismissed for neglect of his duty.