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你是否太挑剔?Are you too picky?

不要那么挑剔。Don't be so picky.

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看吧,挑食的人也喜欢食物。See? Picky eaters like food, too.

他吃东西总是挑肥拣瘦。He is always very picky about food.

我有点儿挑食。I'm kind of picky about what I eat.

但或许是我太过挑剔了。Perhaps this is just me being picky.

儿童挑食是自闭症的前兆吗?Is Picky Eating an Early Sign of Autism?

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挑剔的人挑选彼德·的花生黄油。Picky people pick Peter Pan peanut-butter.

我能看电视了,而且我再也不挑食了。I can watch TV and I am not picky any more.

伊莲很挑剔。她不会喜欢这个地方。Elaine is picky. She wouldn't like this place.

我之前找工作的时候太挑剔了。I was very picky when looking for jobs before.

老美对颜色的挑剔通常到了吹毛求疵的程度。Americans can be very picky when it comes to colors.

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这一规定也激发了一些比较挑剔的观众的兴趣。This stirs the interests of some more picky viewers.

西厢房,主卧,客房,我不挑的。West wing master suite guest bedroom. I'm not picky.

挑食的99党人?听起来你还没丢失工作。Picky 99ers? It sounds like you haven't lost your job.

嘟嘟最大的优点在于它从来不会找我麻烦。Another big advantage of Dudu is that he is never picky.

我有一些挑剔,所以也许密友比其他人要少。I am a bit picky so it's probably fewer than other people.

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如果你那么挑食就不会长的又高又壮。You won't grow up to be big and strong, if you're so picky.

哦.那个我不太肯定.也许她有时候太挑剔了.Well, I'm not sure about that. Perhaps, she's too picky sometimes.

但是早期的购买者倾向于是吹毛求疵的消费者。But early adopter buyers, analysts say, tend to be picky consumers.