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Gee指出这是根本所在。This, Gee says, is fundamental.

给人留面子是基本要求。Saving face is a fundamental value.

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宪法是我国的根本大法。Constitution is the fundamental law.

回调有两个根本缺陷。Callbacks have two fundamental flaws.

黄油对煮好一道菜至关重要。Butter is fundamental in good cooking.

地点有根本性的误导作用。Location can mislead in fundamental ways.

股份"是个基本词汇The word "shares" is the fundamental word.

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然而它却是生活中最基本的道理。Yet it is a fundamental principle of life.

都从根本上挑战者社会秩序Fundamental challenges to the social order.

它们是基本定律体现的特性。They are properties of the fundamental law.

这是另一个基本的金融主题。That's another fundamental theme of finance.

住房养老保险基本运作模式设计。Fundamental operating mode designed for HEPI.

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该项基本功是关于做什么的。This fundamental is about knowing what to do.

风蚀是造成土壤荒漠化的一种主要形式。Wind erosion is a fundamental form of desert.

所以,如果我们写下基本等式。So, if we write the fundamental equation down.

基本的东西永存,任时光流逝。THE fundamental things apply, as time goes by.

该项基本功是关于是否有能力去做的。This fundamental is about being able to do it.

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资本的逐利性是企业避税的根本原因。To chase the profit is the fundamental reason.

因为我们想要得到基本的等式。Because we can go to the fundamental equations.

但还有某种更基本的东西在起作用。But there is something more fundamental at work.