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如何能更好更快的恢复视力?How can better faster extensive diplopia force?

一位60岁男性,左眼旋位复视,眼底像片有20度外旋。A 60 year-old male patient had left eye torsional diplopia.

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均未出现单眼复视及其它严重并发症。Monocular diplopia and other severe complications were not found.

单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。Monocular diplopia is mostly resulted from operative complication.

单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。Monocular diplopia is partly resulted from operative complication.

这种同时拥有两种明显的经验的行为被称作精神幻想。This sense of having two conscious experiences at once is known as mental diplopia.

定期随诊观察注射后的眼位变化及复视程度的变化。The change of the position of eye and the degree of diplopia were followed up after therapy.

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对比观察手术前后眼球内陷程度及复视缓解情况。They were perioperatively surveyed for the degree of enophthalmos and the status of diplopia.

目的研究眼眶骨折患者的视力和复视的临床特点。Objective To analyze the clinical features of visual acuity and diplopia in patients after orbital fracture.

无一例发生中毒、过敏、上睑下垂、复视、下睑外翻等严重并发症。No cases showed such serious complications as intoxication, allergic, blepharoptosis, diplopia or lower eyelid eversion.

目的探讨早期被动牵拉手法在爆裂性眶壁骨折所致复视治疗中的作用。Objective To study the efficacy of therapy for diplopia caused by orbit blowout fracture with the method of early passive pull.

经还纳眶内容及眶腔植骨手术,其中10例患者眼球陷没、复视得以矫正,眶、眼睑外形恢复良好。Of these 11 cases, 10 cases got satisfactory appearance of eyelids and orbit , of which the diplopia and enophthalmos were corrected.

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术后早期进行眼球运动训练对提高复视的治愈率、改善眼球的运动功能有重要作用。The exercise of eye movement in the early stage after operation can reduce the diplopia and improve the movement function of the globe.

出血、水肿较明显时不宜手术,因为出血、水肿消退后复视可能自然消失。The hemorrhage, dropsy are obvious when not suitable surgery, because after bleeding, dropsy abates, diplopia possible nature vanishing.

病人均有眼前部钝挫伤史、眼球内陷、眼球运动障碍和复视。Every patient had the history of blunt injury with large object which hit on the front of the eye, enophthalmos, oculomotor defect and diplopia.

方法检查79例不同眼科手术后发生继发性斜视患者的眼位、眼球运动、复视及预后情况,并进行牵拉试验。Methods 79 cases of postoperative secondary strabismus were examined for eye position, eyeball movement, diplopia and ocular muscle traction test.

结果外伤性眶内血肿引起视力下降、眼眶压增高、眼球突出、复视及眼部运动神经损害。Results Traumatic orbital hematoma resulted in vision decrease, orbital pressure increase, proptosis , diplopia and injuries of ocular motor nerve.

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甲状腺性眼肌症最常侵犯下直肌,导致复视以及眼球运动困难。The inferior rectus muscle commonly is the most involved one in Graves' ophthalmopathy which may result in diplopia and restricted ocular motility.

经眼底粗直的复位崁闭软组织治疗眼底破洞造成的复视常无法获得充分视野而导致二度损伤。The treatment of entrapped diplopia using blunt traction of the herniated hour-glass orbital contents often leads to inadequate exposure or secondary trauma.

方法回顾性分析8例以复视为首发症状的LEMS患者的发病特点、临床表现及辅助检查。Methods The clinical features, clinical manifestations and assistant examinations of 8 LEMS patients with the primary symptom of diplopia were analyzed retrospectively.