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他们可能会被记大过。They might get a big demerit.

记过基本上令人满意。Give a demerit basically satisfactory.

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谈一下,你最大的优点及最大的缺点是什么?What is your biggest merit and demerit?

你认为你有哪些优点、缺点?What do you think about your merit and demerit?

嘿。希望能在过失乐队新专集首发式上看到你。Hey. hope see you in Demerit new album release show.

新制度有百利而无一害。The new system has a hundred merits and not a single demerit.

交换式以太网的出现使这一问题得到了改善。This demerit has been overcome due to the appearance of switched Ethernet.

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你认为你有哪些优点、缺点?能不能各举一些案例说明呢?What do you think about your merit and demerit? Can you give some example?

舰炮只采用低伸弹道存在缺陷,而同时采用曲射弹道可弥补其不足。There exists demerit if shipborne gun only uses low trajectory to fire at different targets.

评述比较了各类沸石催化剂的催化性能及各自优缺点。Catalytic performance and demerit in ETO of different types of zeolite catalysts are compared.

在电子商务蓬勃发展的同时,电子商务的软肋也逐渐凸现出来。Along with the flourish of E-commerce, its demerit shows up quietly, which has been adverted gradually.

知情不报或作伪证者,给予严重警告或记过处分。Students who make misprision or forswear shall be given the punishment of serious warning or demerit recording.

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为了克服级数收敛缓慢的缺点,提出级数求和公式。In order to overcome the demerit of the slowness of the series convergence, we put forward the series summation formula.

但是,缺点是为达成共识,需要花相当长的时间,其中还会牵涉到相当多的人。However, the demerit is that it can take an awfully long time to reach a consensus the larger the number of people involved.

一页接着一页揭示出一个作者或者一本没有读过的小说,因此某人的文化生活的伟大的报告卡上就有了污点。Page after page reveals a writer or a novel unread, and therefore a demerit on the great report card of one’s cultural life.

切尔西明显变得灰心起来,而卡瓦略在补时首分钟更不智地侵犯德梅里特而被黄牌警告。Chelsea grew noticeably frustrated, and Carvalho was booked in the first minute of stoppage time for a silly foul on DeMerit.

若某人的心已无贪无嗔,若他已舍弃善恶两者,如此警觉之人是没有怖畏的。There is no fear for an awakened one, whose mind is not sodden nor afflicted, and who has gone beyond both merit and demerit.

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介绍了陀螺定向测量中三种不同的数据采集方法,分析了各种方法的优缺点。Three methods of data collecting in the gyro- orientation are discussed and the strongpoint and demerit of each method are analyzed.

本章对这两种指导原则的优缺点进行分析后,介绍了调整转移定价的具体方法。After analysis on the merit and demerit of the two guidelines, the article introduces the specific method of adjusting the transfer price.

经典的分枝切割相位解缠方法在残差点分布密集、分布范围较广的情况下形成分枝切割线所需时间较长。The demerit of the classical branch-cut phase unwrapping method was in the condition of the branch-cut of residues distributing denseness.