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他每日取酬。He gets daily wage.

员工有工资单吗?B. 2.5 Do wage lists exist?

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工资很低,It's pretty much minimum wage

最低工资是多少?What about the minimum wage here?

我这个月的工资又花完啦。I used up this month's wage again.

香港并没有法定的最低工资。Hong Kong has no legal minimum wage.

他为每天的工资而辛劳。He travailed hard for his daily wage.

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李珊珊是典型的工薪一族。Li Shanshan is a typical wage earner.

我痛恨那些打笔战的人。I abhor people who wage paper-warfare.

你们采用的是计件工资还是计时工资?。Do you use piece rates or an hour wage?

打乱工资级别制度。That would upset the wage differential.

中国现在不会挑起一场进攻战。Chinawill not wage an offensive war now.

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对定期月工资支付的否认。Denial of regular monthly wage payments.

这个国家的最低工资是多少?What’s the minimum wage in this country?

他应得的工资明天付给他。The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow.

他们宣誓这将是一场毁灭以色列的战争。They vowed to wage a war of extermination.

他在假期里挣了比平时多1倍的工资。He earned double the usual wage in holiday.

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加薪提高了成本,但是促进了消费。Wage hikes boost costs but might help sales.

你能提前给我开下这个月的工资吗?Can you give me this month's wage in advance?

他们每人获得的基本工资是每小时61美分。Each is paid a base wage of 61-cents an hour.