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她被一个流氓引诱而失去了贞操。She was ruined by a rascal.

电子游戏毁了我的生活。Vidoe games ruined my life.

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这场雨把我的画给毁了。The rain ruined my painting.

现在,我们破坏了里面的字节。Now--oh, now we've ruined them.

断送半度微凉。Ruined half degrees small cool.

这场雹子把庄稼毁了。The hailstorm ruined the crops.

姜浩就毁在你们家太有钱了。Jiang Hao is ruined by your money.

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你把我宝贵的花儿都毁了。You have ruined my precious flower.

超级大台风毁了我所有的财产?Supertyphoon ruined all my possessions?

遭受严重损害的经济几乎不能生存。The ruined economy is barely breathing.

你的小混球们毁了我的离子烫。Your little fluff balls ruined my perm.

鲣鸟,几乎断送了我的今天。Boobies were almost ruined for me today.

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无能的经营管理断送了公司。Incapable management ruined the company.

珍丽意外地毁了自己的前程。Jenny accidentally ruined her prospects.

乍得的恩贾梅纳因为内战惨遭破坏。N'Djamena of Chad is ruined by civil war.

别让晚饭时间被电视毁了。Don't let dinner be ruined by TV watching.

他饮酒过多,把身体搞坏了。He has ruined his health through drinking.

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常春藤爬满了荒堡的墙壁。Ivy had crept over the ruined castle wall.

但是它注定要被旅游业破坏吗?But is it destined to be ruined by tourism?

我算是毁了,没有希望,没救了!I am ruined past hope! nothing can save me!