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我最喜欢的是盖比那性感饱满的双唇!What I like most about Gabby is her luscious lips!

卢骗子和饶舌头奔了出来,跳到了大龟的背上。Then Lying Lou and Gabby darted into sight, leaped up on the mossback's hump.

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我相信,Gabby会和过往一样坚强,我希望,她能够挺过难关。And I know Gabby is as tough as they come, and I am hopeful that she’s going to pull through.

里夫旁边有东西动了,他低头,看见卢骗子和饶舌头又回来了。Something stirred beside llf. He looked down and saw Lying Lou and Gabby had joined them again.

病人,任何病人,都有权要求医生尊重他的隐情,有权不吃一个多嘴饶舌的医生的亏。A patient, any patient, is entitled to have confidence respected, to be protected against a gabby doctor.

“奥贝坦打进了一个很漂亮的进球,他展现了自己的实力,”曼联队长说。"Gabby scored a good goal and he showed the ability he has and the pace and energy he has, " said the United skipper.

他们有不少快马,比如阿什利。杨和阿邦拉霍。还有卡鲁这样的锋线杀手。They've got some very quick players in Ashley Young and Gabby Agbonlahor, while someone like John Carew gives them a different dimension up front.

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在我们庆祝这一时刻时,我们仍然很清楚一位国会议员的座位是空着的,让我们为我们的同事、我们的朋友加布里埃尔·吉福兹的健康祈祷。And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords.

我们亲眼目睹团体意识的上演,其中一处便是在国会地板上,以自己的康复历程来鼓舞我们的嘉比·吉福兹受到了其同事的深切怀念。One of the places we saw that sense of community on display was on the floor of Congress, where Gabby Giffords, who inspires us with her recovery, is deeply missed by her colleagues.

全国各地的代表们逐个各抒己见,共同参与纪念嘉比及其他受害者的活动中来,思考我们对国家的共同希冀。One by one, Representatives from all parts of the country and all points of view rose in common cause to honor Gabby and the other victims, and to reflect on our shared hopes for this country.

联赛领头羊在埃弗顿只取得了平局,这让他们还领先曼联3分。上半场阿邦拉霍的头球让维拉在OT取胜。The league leaders could only manage a draw at home to Everton, leaving them just three points in front of the Reds, but Gabby Agbonlahor's first half header earned Villa a famous win at Old Trafford.