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什么是语音学?What is phonetics?

她是语音学权威。She's an authority on phonetics.

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你有通过语音学考吗?Did you pass your phonetics exam?

语音学是一门语音的科学。Phonetics is the science of sounds.

他是语音学方面的权威。He is a great authority on phonetics.

语音学和音系学词典,译文出版社。Trask, A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology.

语音学是我们系的一门必修课。Phonetics is a required subject in our department.

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语音学和音系学词典,译文出版社。R. L. Trask, A Dictionary of Phonetics and Phonology.

其中音位学与语音的功能有关而语音学与语音的产生有关。Phonetics has to do with the production of speech sounds.

语音学是无序的语音,音系学则注重有序。Phonetics foucuses on chaos while phonology focuses on order.

语音学和音位学的研究重心有何不同?How do phonetics and phonology differ in their focus of study?

这是一本英语语音,语法和习惯用法合为一体的著作。It is a book of English phonetics , grammar and usage all in one.

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了解音韵学以及语言的需求性。Know what phonetics and phonology are and how language is acquired.

语调研究是当前语音学和音系学研究的重要课题之一。The study of Intonation is one of the important problems in phonetics.

音位系统论是特鲁别茨柯伊划分语音学和音位学的根本性理论。And this theory has made it possible to distinguish phonology from phonetics.

随着汉字音的应用,受舌内入声字音的影响日语才产生了促音。As the Chinese phonetics went into Japanese, the sound of glottal stop emerged.

外人拿到立威廉的剧本,只觉得在看天书,上面标注的符号根本看不懂。Other people who took his script book would not understand the phonetics at all.

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语言学包括许多不同的科目,如语音学和文体学。Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.

三个不同分支是发音语音学,听觉语音学和声学语音学。The three branches of phonetics are articulatory, auditory, and acoustic phonetics.

老师每天除了从字母和音标教起,还会教他一句口语。Every day the teacher would teach him letters and phonetics as well as one sentence.