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所有没做变更的文件被忽略了。All unchanged files are ignored.

那朵白花怎么会动呢?Naduo white flowers how could unchanged?

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高科技类股涨跌互见,英特尔股价持平。High techs are mixed and Intel is unchanged.

主要食物的零售价保持不变。Retail prices of staple foods remain unchanged.

文本中的小写字母保持不变。Lowercase letters in the text are left unchanged.

可它仍然稳稳地静卧在那里,依然如故。But it still firmly lying there, remain unchanged.

非也,以元计算的中国GDP仍未改变。Hardly, China's GDP in yuan terms remains unchanged.

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在这个示例中,应用程序保持不变。In this example, the application remained unchanged.

重新措辞,但没对内容进行修改。Rephrase the wordings but content remains unchanged.

任何人类的努力和想法都会发生变化。No human endeavor or thought would be unchanged by it.

刚一爬上床,我就嗅到了那条还未换洗的床单上留有的她的气味。When I went to bed the unchanged sheets had her scent.

但同─门者,其风格特点仍保留不变。But the same door, the style features remain unchanged.

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春夏秋冬,四季更迭,不变的是熙来攘往的人群。Seasons change but remain unchanged is the sizable crowd.

资金将是刚刚在2005年主题词唯一不变。Funds will be just coming in 2005 MeSH the only unchanged.

然而,其分类学分类仍未改变。However, the taxonomical classification remained unchanged.

采用渐进式改善,基本的平台底子总是不变的。In incremental improvement, the basic platform is unchanged.

否则,就简单地将这一行的内容不加任何修改,直接拷贝到输出中。If not, simply copy the line directly to the output unchanged.

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参众两院的领导层与2008年时基本未变。The leadership in both chambers is largely unchanged from 2008.

然而,品尝月饼的正确方式从未变过。The proper method of enjoying a mooncake, however, is unchanged.

全脂奶粉价格保持稳定,而且价格一般不会改变。WMP is more stable in price and the level is somewhat unchanged.