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三电平同步正好满足了这个要求。Tri-level sync met the requirements.

从这个节点启动检查和同步。Initiate verify and sync from this node.

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把那些都收在一块儿,把这两个配在一起。Get all together and put this two in sync.

同步噗浪最后回应阅读记录。Sync with Responses-seen Records of Plurk.

让所有的版本保持同步化是非常困难的。It's difficult to keep all of them in sync.

系统中使用的双同步电平是沿触发的。Systems using bi-level sync are edge triggered.

我的左眼不能和右眼一起挪动。My left eye wouldn't move in sync with my right.

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鸿源的腾飞,将与您的梦想同步!Hongyuan's take off has the sync with your dreams!

请在下载页面中寻找。VirtualDub Sync VCR. Look in the download section.

如何在多台电脑和浏览器间同步小书签?How to Sync Bookmarklets Across Browsers & Computers

此外,这两个文档还必须保持同步。In addition, the two documents must be kept in sync.

自动,强制闪光,禁止闪光,低速同步,防红眼。Auto, Auto with red-eye reduction, Fill, Off, Slow sync.

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例如,数据复制和同步就是一个大问题。For example, data replication and sync is a big problem.

同步通讯录和压延直接向您的手机。Sync your contacts and calenders directly to your phone.

在同步过程完成后,新评论就会显示出来。The new comments will only start showing up after a sync.

应用同步——基于互联网的应用更新。Application Sync – Internet-based updates of applications.

恢复失踪同步与新的同步工具陆委会!Resume Missing Sync With New Synchronization Tool For Mac!

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你需要手动的去同步你的Instapaper账户。You will need to manually sync to your Instapaper account.

他小跑着与蜂群同步穿过了院子。He trotted in sync across the yard as the swarm eased away.

你也可将笔记保存到相册或电脑,或发电子邮件给你的朋友!Sync to iTunes and you can get the note into your computer.