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不法侵害是否包括不作为犯罪。The actualizing action including nonfeasance or not.

国家不作为法律上的主体参加诉讼。The main body with national jural nonfeasance joins suit.

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对于消费者而言,举报或者诉讼的收益是否高于不作为?To consumer, inform against or litigant accrual whether prep above nonfeasance ?

被胁迫人实施一定作为或不作为的内容是处分权益。The content of feasance or nonfeasance carried out by coercive object is disposal rights and interests.

在国内法上,国家主要是一个观念的存在,通常不作为法律上的主体。On internal law, the country basically is the existence of an idea, the main body with normally jural nonfeasance.

传统杀毒软件对木马几乎是不作为的,因此需要新的手段绞杀木马。The traditional software that reduce toxin is nonfeasance almost to the trojan, because this needs new method bowstring vaulting horse.

一方未尽通知义务或未采取措施避免、减少损失的,应就扩大的损失承担相应的赔偿责任。Losses which become deteriorated due to the negligence of notice or nonfeasance of remedies shall be compensated by the defaulting Party.

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不作为的默示只有在法律有规定或者当事人双方有约定的情况下,才可以视为意思表示。The implication of nonfeasance may not be regarded as declaration of will until there are provisions of laws or stipulations of both parties.

对间接正犯、不作为犯罪、原因上的自由行为等特殊案件的着手认定,也应当坚持上述原则和方法。We should insist on these principles and methods in indirect offender, free action on reason and nonfeasance crime etc several specially cases.

本文主要是围绕行政不作为的界定、构成、救济和法律责任而展开。The thesis is discussing on the administrative nonfeasance in definition, constitutive requirement, relief means, and the responsibility of law.

不作为是行为的一种特殊方式,与作为具有一种相反同时又是结合与竞合关系。As a specific kind of actions, the relationship between nonfeasance and feasance is opposite as well as combinative, or opposite and combinative.

“老板不作为”症状是重才不会用才,没有把人才摆在合适的位置上做合适的事。"Boss nonfeasance " the symptom is to weigh ability to won't use talent, did not place the talented person in appropriate do right thing locally.

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“商家不作为”一方面是整个行业缺乏信任机制,另一方面是眼前的利益作怪。"Businessman nonfeasance " it is mechanism of accredit of whole industry shortage on one hand, it is the interest do mischief before on the other hand.

观众群的不断老化、市场的日渐萎缩、传媒的无所作为将使地方艺术最终湮灭无闻!The durative aging of the spectators the continuous shrink of the market and the nonfeasance of the media press will make the local arts become extinct.

但这种认知存在一个假设,即报纸是以一种不作为的消极态度面对网络的侵犯。But this kind of cognitive existence assumes, namely newspaper is the encroachment that faces a network with the negative attitude of a kind of nonfeasance.

这一历史阶段盆枭走私之所以异常活跃,与当时各级盐务官弁、地方官员和缉私兵役的“不作为”与“乱作为”密切相关。In this historical stage, salt owls' smuggler smuggling was exceptionally flourishing with the relation of official's "nonfeasance" and "disorder feasance".

本部首先论述了在公司进入支付不能状态时,董事怠于申请破产的义务和责任。So the author firstly analyzes the director's duty and liability of nonfeasance to apply for bankrupt, when company is in the situation of being unable to pay.

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三是行政不作为与相关概念的辨析,以此达到明确行政不作为概念内涵的目的。Third, administrative nonfeasance and relevant concepts are differentiated and analyzed, so that further clear the concept of the administrative nonfeasance acts.

政府部门要定期进行法规清理,要赋予公民起诉权,使得法院能够对抽象行政不作为进行审查。Governmental organs should check codes regularly and endow civilians with the right to sue, and enable the courts to investigate abstract administration nonfeasance.

这里所说的“该做的没做”,主要包括企业不作为、老板不作为、员工不作为和商家不作为四种情况。What say here " should do did not do " , basically include enterprise nonfeasance , boss nonfeasance , employee nonfeasance and businessman nonfeasance 4 kinds of circumstances.