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一个红发女孩——她的头发极富弹性——现了身。A girl with bouncy red hair appeared.

我不希望我自信的堡垒被击溃。I hope I don't puncture my bouncy castle.

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做事颇有弹性,留有回旋余地。Work quite bouncy , stay have room for manoeuvre.

我将把您的头发两边向后卷成羽毛状,使它有弹*。I will feather the sides to make it a little bouncy.

这个兴高采烈的女孩差不多五岁了,留着一头富有弹性的金黄卷发。The cheerful girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.

头顶摇幌著金色发卷的,快乐小女孩,快要满五岁了。The cheerful little girl with bouncy golden curls was almost five.

初次使用,肌肤变得柔嫩有弹性,感觉更舒适。The first time use, skin becomes tender bouncy , the feeling is cozier.

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脚感舒适自然、有弹性,可减轻意外摔倒造成的伤害。The foot feels cozy nature, bouncy , can reduce the harm that accident trip causes.

在我写着这些文字的时候,马修就坐在他的弹性婴儿椅上望着我,满脸得意的笑。As I write this, Matthew is sitting in his bouncy seat looking at me with a smirk on his face.

有一个公司计划在未来到太空建一个充气式的太空娱乐城堡。One company's idea for the future sounds as though there's going to be bouncy astro-castles galore.

某些特殊的蛙类怎么学会把身体团成一个有弹性的球滚下山崖以逃避危险?How did that other frog learn to turn itself into a bouncy ball and roll down hills away from danger?

尽管书籍里要你注意,但没有弹性婴儿椅、摇摆床和前托架,你的宝贝照样能存活下来。Even though the books caution otherwise, your baby will survive without a bouncy seat, swing and front carrier.

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别小看了这个普普通通的小球,它在毕讷德提先生的手上就变成了威力巨大的武器——蓝色的死亡之球。The blue bouncy ball of death was your average rubber bouncy ball, but in the hands of Mr. Benedetti it became a deadly weapon.

这个冷血超级巨星下一刻就变成了热血爱国者。他身披美国国旗,肩负荣誉。And for his next act, the coldblooded superstar has become a bouncy public patriot, wearing his flag the way he once wore his glare.

这种超平滑配方含有极轻柔的润发成份,能瞬间柔化发丝,使头发全日富有弹性及容易梳理,毫无沉重感觉。Super smoothing formula with feather-light conditioning instantly softens hair, leaving it bouncy and manageable all day without any heavy feel.

这些区域包括了一个多用途攀爬设施、电视游戏、跳跃城堡、泡泡机、工艺及美术天地,舞台表演与及华丽服饰装扮。This includes multi-climbing facilities, video games, bouncy tent, bubble play, arts and crafts, stage performance, and a glamorous dress-up area.

一款新颖的休闲游戏,用气泡控制下沉,在游戏的进行中会遇到危险的深海动物,会出水流的水管以及弹性表面改变你的方向,。Contained in a fragile bubble, Supastar must sink deep into a scenic ocean. Dangerous sea creatures, pushy water pipes, and bouncy surfaces await you!

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当日,除了球场上有刺激的七人榄球比赛,球场外还有精彩的摊位游戏、儿童吹气弹床、榄球挑战擂台!There will be an exciting rugby sevens tournament, game stalls and bouncy castles that are every kid's favourite and a rugby skills challenge corner for the visitors!

为了要我们记住这些手语和西班牙语单词,毕讷德提先生还创造了一个称之为“蓝色的死亡之球”的游戏。Now how did he teach us these signs and how did he make sure that we remembered them? Mr. Benedetti went out of his way to invent the infamous "Blue Bouncy Ball of Death".

风景优美的肯尼亚马赛马拉国家公园里,一只过于活跃的幼狮激怒了老爸。This young fellow seen here invoked the ire of daddy lion with some irritatingly bouncy behaviour in the stunning surroundings of the Masai Mara national reserve in Kenya.