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欢迎小黄人黄!All hail Minion Yellow.

所有的人都情愿为这个命运的宠儿作出牺牲。All offered up sacrifices to the minion of fortune.

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不要掉进陷阱,成了没脑子的奴才。Don’t fall into the trap of becoming a mindless minion.

我妈妈给我的小弟弟买了个草莓香型的沐浴液。恩,绝配。My mom bought a strawberry scented minion shampoo for my little brother.

将你的英雄传送至友军小兵或炮塔前,需要4秒吟唱时间。After 4 seconds, teleports your champion to target friendly minion or turret.

如果你信仰了某个宗教,就是加入了一个没脑子的奴才培训班。When you subscribe to a religion, you enroll in a mindless minion training program.

在森林深处,她成功地征服了一个魔女,并占据了她的肉身。Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion.

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密尼是埃克斯塞尔市公共事业部的一个维修工长。J. S. Minion was a maintenance foreman in the Public Works department of Excelsior City.

一度是活着的人类,这些不幸的灵魂现在居住在地狱的深处。Undead Minion Once living humans, these wretched souls now reside in the depths of Hell.

宠物操作是可能的,但是这用于操纵宠物上和设计UI肯定是复杂的。Minion management is a possibility, but that also definitely complicates the UI and use of the minions.

公司里的其他人都是姓名不详的属下,努力讨好这位无所不知无所不闻的乔布斯。Everyone else in the company is a faceless minion working to please the all-seeing and all-knowing Jobs.

你和动物的亲密关系提升了宠物和部下的力量,并且减少了宠物往返于城镇的时间。Your affinityforanimals increasesyoupet and minion 's power, and decreases the pet 's town -travel time.

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第二类叫“奴才型”中层,满意其忠诚,但不满意其能力。Second category called" minion" middle, satisfied with their loyalty, but dissatisfied with its capacity.

奴才"费迪南多把酒带走了,黑格把原来要给罗德力戈的那杯毒酒放回去。Ferdinando, the ' minion ', carries them away, and Hagar puts back the cup which holds the poison meant for Roderigo.

梅德韦杰夫完全有可能仍然只是一个可靠的宠臣,并且被普京的人马重重包围。It is entirely possible that Mr Medvedev will remain a faithful minion and be smothered by the embrace of Mr Putin's appointees.

当然这些工具通常掌握在那些奴才培训班的管理者手中,当然也并不一定是那样。Of course these instruments are usually controlled by those who administrate the minion training program, but they don’t have to be.

他为了战斗的胜利而开始召唤强大的超自然生物,并不顾一切地召唤沉睡于地下的远古力量。Seeking to summon a supernatural minion that would ensure his victory, Thaurissan called upon the ancient powers sleeping beneath the world.

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不如把你的身子买给我们当奴隶,我们给你着海紫色的衫,给你的手指套上戒指,把你打造成女王的宠物。Sell us thy body for a slave, and we will clothe thee in sea-purple, and put a ring upon thy finger, and make thee the minion of the great Queen.

在克隆战争的尾声,杜库命令他的下属阿萨吉·文崔斯去处决太多数的太阳守卫。Near the end of the Clone Wars conflict, the apprentice Count Dooku ordered his minion Asajj Ventress to execute most of the Sun Guard organization.

我想如果哪天公司的收入达一亿就算是大获丰收了,所以说它现在的发展显然略高出了我们所有人的预想。I thought the foreground was if this was someday a hundred minion dollars in revenue company, so obviously it has grown way beyond what I think any of us had anticipated.